The Pope Admits Nuns Have Been Sexually Abused by Priests
- By Nathan Glover --
- 07 Feb 2019 --
Pope Francis has committed to protecting nuns.
Last week, a Vatican monthly magazine wrote an article covering sexual abuse of the sisters from the Catholic Church.[/tweetit] The shocking news started receiving traction after the monumental #MeToo movement, which took the world by storm.
The Pope Admits Nuns Have Been Sexually Abused by Priests[/tweetthis]
Since the start of this social media revolution, several nuns have been coming out and talking about the sexual abuse they faced from bishops and priests. Church members from regions such as South America, Europe, Africa, and India have reported the same. The International Union of Superiors General, the representative body for over 500,000 nuns, encouraged them to speak about these types of experiences.
For the first time, Pope Francis acknowledged the problem of sexual abuse faced by the Catholic Church’s sisters. He reassured the public he would take action to resolve the issue. According to the pontiff, raising awareness of sexual abuse isn’t enough to stop the problem. The pope acknowledged they have to do more about the ongoing situation. He stated that humanity hasn’t matured in certain regions, as this type of mistreatment leads to feminicide.
At present, the Catholic Church is dealing with the tense situation by providing individual attention to every case. He asked the public to support the efforts of the Vatican, as they want to bring an end to this ill-treatment.
Pope Francis also praised the former Pontiff, Benedict XVI, for his efforts to take action against sexual abuse. Benedict XVI was the leader of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, a department in the Vatican responsible for handling sexual abuse investigations.
During his tenure with this branch of the Catholic Church, he wanted to dig deeper about sexual abuse taking place in the religious order. However, he was unable to do so, as someone prevented the investigation.
After getting elected in 2005, Benedict shut down a women’s religious order due to its association with slavery. Even the founder and the priests were responsible for sexual enslavement, taking place in the group.
Nuns in sex slavery? WTH is wrong with these people? #CatholicChurch #PopeFrancis https://t.co/8Z1riYsTTZ
— Troy Anderson (@troydanderson) February 5, 2019
Francis said the Catholic Church has been working hard to find a solution. They even suspended several priests who were found guilty of sexual abuse. According to the pope, the Vatican is bringing a religious order of females to an end, after several reports of corruption and sexual abuse. However, he didn’t mention the name of the group while talking about this sensitive topic.