9th Annual Interfaith Solidarity March in Los Angeles

Communication and Dialogue: The Keynote of the 9th Annual Interfaith Solidarity March in Los Angeles

Muslims, Christians, Jews, Sikhs, Buddhists, Scientologists, and members of other faiths and beliefs gathered at St. Basil Catholic Church in Los Angeles for the 9th

Old Chinese Temple

Pew Survey: Six Key Insights into Buddhism in China

Although only 4 percent of Chinese adults formally identify with Buddhism, even though it is China’s largest officially recognized faith, the numbers may be

Buddha statue, Nha Trang

Burma’s Military Unveils Massive Buddha Statue in Bid to Garner Support Amid Civil War

Amid the ongoing civil war in Burma (Myanmar) and what UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has described as the ethnic cleansing of its minority Muslim Rohingya

Thailand, Buddhist monks

Thailand Embraces ‘Socially Engaged Buddhism’ to Pursue Justice Beyond Meditation

A group of socially aware Buddhists in Thailand is questioning traditional notions of personal devotion to address urgent issues within their faith and extend

China’s Human Rights Crimes Create A Precarious Future For Tibetan Buddhism

He is the youngest political prisoner in modern history.  Kidnapped nearly three decades ago at age six, he has not been seen since.  What

Big bronze Amoghasiddhi Buddha statue called Tian Tan Buddha with sunset sky at Po Lin Monastery Ngong Ping in Lantau Island famous tourist destination in Hong Kong China

The Gifts of Buddhism

2,500 years ago, Gautama Sakyamuni—more familiar to us as the Buddha—was not handed wisdom by an angel and was not spoken to face to

Houses of Worship: A Dream of Faith, Thailand’s White Temple—Wat Rong Khun

Thailand is home to the second largest population of Buddhists in the world, with some 64 millions Buddhists and 41,000 temples. Buddhism came to

Muslim World League’s Historic Multifaith Forum in Saudi Arabia

The Muslim World League held the Forum on Common Values Among Religious Followers, a multifaith event with leaders from around the world in Riyadh,

Religious Scholars Argue Validity of Digital Meditation

Gregory Grieve, who heads the religious studies department at University of North Carolina, Greensboro, holds that the authenticity of digital Buddhist meditation is not

Customers of a Buddhist Barber Shop in Spokane Stop in for a Haircut and Leave at Peace

An article in the Spokane Faiths and Values Community website features local barber Jefferson Workman. A member of the board of directors of the