NWomen's March 1403 by Edward Kimmel

Citing Historical Along with Religious Grounds, Louisiana Is Poised To Mandate Displaying the Ten Commandments in Every Public School Classroom

Louisiana will be the first state to require poster-sized displays of the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms. In a further encroachment of religion

2019.10.08 SCOTUS Protest for LGBTQ Equality, Washington, DC USA

“Love the Sinner, Hate The Sin” Wears Thin in a New Climate of Faith-Based Hate

The Episcopal Church has opened its doors to same-sex marriage, thus acknowledging the rights and personhood of the LGBTQ community. Some dioceses, however, are

Abandoned Church, Newington Bagpath

Bringing Life to Church Buildings

Church attendance is going down in the United States and elsewhere. Some churches are closing their doors, leaving their buildings uninhabited, their parishioners forced

Houses of Worship: Touro Synagogue

1677: Jewish diaspora is in Newport, Rhode Island. Families are arriving in Newport after long journeys beginning in Spain and Portugal, then onto Amsterdam

Historic Lake Effect Snow Hits Buffalo New York Area

Sheltered from the Storm at the Spirit of Truth Urban Ministry

“And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest. Lo, then would

A Look Back at 2022

As the new year approaches, we look at the events of the past year—both in the world of religion and in World Religion News.

Voodoo altar with fetishes in Abomey, Benin

Faith and Voodoo

In the coastal country of Benin, the population is divided into roughly three major religious groups: Christian, Muslim and Vodun (better known in the

G20 Religion Forum (R20) Indonesia 2022

Inaugural G20 Religion Forum Promotes Solidarity and Respect in The Emerald of the Equator

Thailand, 1997: A financial crisis starts which is deemed local to the country, but soon the same is seen in countries throughout Southeast Asia

Wilshire Boulevard Temple

Houses of Worship: Wilshire Boulevard Temple

It’s 1929 in Los Angeles. There are one million residents in the city. Miracle Mile is becoming the new commercial center, drawing people out

Jamie Lee Curtis

Jamie Lee Curtis Takes a Stand Against Kanye West’s Antisemitic Tweet

Jamie Lee Curtis, award-winning actress, “Scream Queen,” and activist, has taken a public stand against recent antisemitic tweets from Kanye West. Curtis is originally