Robin Williams

Reflecting on the Life, Religion & Spirituality of Robin Williams

Robin Williams was a funny, loving, and caring man. His suicide is mourned by many fans worldwide.

Robin Williams’ unexpected death on Monday was a complete shock to the world, especially because it appears to be a suicide through asphyxiation. That a man who has brought so much joy, laughter, and happiness to the world through his various acting roles – as well as his comedy and charitable giving – could be so unhappy is incomprehensible to many.

Robin Williams was raised in the Episcopalian faith by his father. His faith was important to him, but he also held no reservations in mocking his own – or others’ – religious beliefs. During one of his stand up routines he would joke, “I’m an Episcopal; that’s Catholic Lite. Same religion, half the guilt!

Not only was Robin Williams a successful comedic actor, but he also played a number of dramatic roles that touched many hearts and moved many eyes to tears. One film that particularly resonates with fans today is What Dreams May Come which featured him as a man who died and had to navigate the afterlife as his wife committed suicide. During a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything), when Robin was asked what he had learned from taking on that role, he answered: “That every moment in life is precious.”

Throughout his adult life, Robin Williams has struggled with addiction, particularly to cocaine and alcohol. He was sober for twenty years, but it was not to last. When he was 56, Robin realized that his struggle with alcohol addiction had become a problem again, and he checked himself into a rehabilitation clinic. After he came out that he admitted, “You get a real strong sense of God when you go through rehab.

The loss of Robin Williams is a deep and great one that the entire world will suffer, and our thoughts and prayers go to his friends and family who have been most deeply affected.

Robin Williams Quote



  • Emily Murdoch
    6:07 pm

    I loved him as an actor and admired him as a person. He was lost however by Christian standards. He has left no apparent evidence of interest in Jesus.
    His spirituality was something of his own construction and an inspiration to those of eclectic beliefs. There is no apparent evidence of his active practice of the worship of the God of the Episcopalians. Jokes do not get anyone into the Christian heaven

    • Emily Murdoch
      6:07 pm

      He may not have shown his true self to the public, as many actors don’t. Just because someone jokes about something doesn’t mean they are serious about what they say. He was in the business to make people laugh. Jokes are some peoples way to lighten situations or a way of dealing with serious matters. Humor is like wine, different people like different taste. We do not know for sure how his heart and soul was with God. That may have been something he chose to keep private. Works on earth or the display of faith does not get anyone into heaven. Only knowing the truth from within can accomplish this. What we saw on stage and what really went on when the lights went out and camera’s weren’t rolling are two different scenarios. So please do not criticize or judge anyone until you know more about them then they could even know about themselves. He didn’t need to prove to us he was saved. We can only pray his heart was truly in a walk with God. Only Mr. Williams could assure this.

      One thing is for sure, Robin Williams lifted many spirits, inspired many hearts and brightened many lives without giving it a second thought. His legacy will live on for generations to come. Bottom line, We will all miss him!

      • Emily Murdoch
        6:07 pm

        amen . I believe he knew what love was . Brains that have been damaged by substance abuse often lead those people to a lifetime of fighting depression, even after the substance abuse is stopped . . We do not know what he was going through . Yes, The LORD Jesus is able to deliver us up and out of any horrible pit but sadly not everyone is able to be reached because we who know the LORD are too often distracted ourselves by too many vain things . We forget to look around us at the mission field of lost souls who are seeking a reason to live. We need to be back in the business that The LORD has called us to . Our Purpose is to Share the Gospel with Those who are not yet saved , and also encourage and help those of us who are saved yet .struggling and need someone who will help bear our burden and love us when we need it the most . —-” Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” ( I John 4:7,8)KJB

    • Emily Murdoch
      6:07 pm

      And you don’t know what relationship he has with God. You are being judgemental. It is between him and God.

    • Emily Murdoch
      6:07 pm

      Because spirituality is real and religion is not, by your account, he was more right than you. Why are the ones most afraid to be judged, do the most judging?

    • Emily Murdoch
      6:07 pm

      Were you privy to his last moments, perhaps his final conversation with God? Then you don’t know where he is.

    • Emily Murdoch
      6:07 pm

      You do not know the private conversations he has had with God or the demons he battled. If i am not mistaken God judged those most harshly who were self righteous. We are all completely broken messes and until we realize that we can never experience God’s healing power. No one gets to heaven on their own merit it is by the saving grace of Christ and Christ alone. Robin was going through a number of devastating crises including his career falling apart, financial woes, finding out he had parkinsons and in that moment he didn’t see a way out. I wish someone had been there at that time to offer him hope even in the midst of all that loss. Job from the Bible would have been a good example for him to study. With that said his salvation is between him and God, not you, and I say that with all due respect.

    • Emily Murdoch
      6:07 pm

      Unless you knew Mr. Williams on a personal basis, you can’t truly know where he stood religiously. Not everyone displays their faith to the world. He may not have shown his true self to the public, as many actors don’t. Just because someone jokes about something doesn’t mean they are serious about what they say. He was in the business to make people laugh. Jokes are some peoples way to lighten situations or a way of dealing with serious matters. Humor is like wine, different people like different taste. We do not know for sure how his heart and soul was with God. That may have been something he chose to keep private. Works on earth or the display of faith does not get anyone into heaven. Only knowing the truth from within can accomplish this. What we saw on stage and what really went on when the lights went out and camera’s weren’t rolling are two different scenarios. So please do not criticize or judge anyone until you know more about them then they could even know about themselves. He didn’t have to prove to us he was saved. One thing is for sure, Robin Williams lifted many spirits, inspired many hearts and brightened many lives without giving it a second thought. His legacy will live on for generations to come. We can only pray his heart was truly in a walk with God. Only Mr. Williams could assure this. Bottom line, We will all miss him!

  • Emily Murdoch
    6:07 pm

    When I first heard of this, I was angry at him. Then I started watching his interviews on YouTube, and I laughed and laughed and laughed. In some of the interviews he got serious, and I saw a very brilliant man with a beautiful soul. He used laughter to make people feel better. What a gift. I paused the particular video I was watching, I looked into his eyes, and I questioned him: “Why did you not try and talk to someone about it before putting that belt around your neck? Why? Why? Why?”. He was such a gift. He did a very selfish thing in cutting his life short. It is VERY SELFISH of him to not realize by easing his pain permanently, he will hurt millions in the process. Days have gone by, and I feel a void in the pit of my tummy still. It’s as if a family member had passed away. Mr. Robin Willaims. Why did you do it? You are so loved by so many….

  • Emily Murdoch
    6:07 pm

    Concerning Robin Williams , I believe he knew what love was . Brains that have been damaged by substance abuse often lead those people to a lifetime of fighting depression, even after the substance abuse is stopped . . We do not know what he was going through . Yes, The LORD Jesus is able to deliver us up and out of any horrible pit but sadly not everyone is able to be reached because we who know the LORD are too often distracted ourselves by too many vain things . We forget to look around us at the mission field of lost souls who are seeking a reason to live. We need to be back in the business that The LORD has called us to . Our Purpose is to Share the Gospel with Those who are not yet saved , and also encourage and help those of us who are saved yet .struggling and in need of someone who will help bear our burden and love us when we need it the most . —-” Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” ( I John 4:7,8)KJB

  • Emily Murdoch
    6:07 pm

    I think a big, and dangerous, misconception in the practice of Christianity is the assumed belief that faith in God and Jesus guarantees success. In earthly terms, success can be equated with survival or overcoming tribulation. Listen to how people discuss heaven: it’s a goal state. Overcoming illnesses and addictions is talked about as a goal state that some people use to reflect on the sufferer’s faith. Praise theology really emphasizes this, the idea that Jesus saved a person, and through Jesus/God, the person can then do anything, that all is possible with a God that saves. But the “all” is measured in our human sense of what it means to win or survive. What if Robin Williams gave all that he had, faith and work, understood that he wasn’t going to overcome, had probably been at a similar precipice many times, and decided that this was all he could do? It is a horror for his family and a grief for the world, but a lot of the unspoken difficulty comes from our notion that survival is winning and that winning is an unspoken guarantee of Christian faith. No one that openly sensitive was going to live forever on this earth.

  • Emily Murdoch
    6:07 pm

    Robin was born during Vietnam war, and left during terrorist war. His whole life and ideas of how the world should be and what it actually was, made him struggle with the will to go on here, perhaps he could do better elsewhere. Some waves came in after, but a lot were assassinated that could have changed the world. I just found out the MLK’s real first name was Michael. Ironic isn’t it that both Michaels were taken from us when they were about to make the movement, move for equality, and MJ was for clearing up poverty, and cleaning up the polluted world and protect the animals who only bring joy or love when looking at them or interacting w/them. So much missing in America today that could have made a great difference in how it is today. Robin was loved by all around the world and will be missed. Thank God for all the video memories and movies we have of him, to fit the mood and make us laugh deeply. Love always Robin Williams, for that unconditional love is God itself.

  • Emily Murdoch
    6:07 pm

    The Spiritual Life Doesn’t remove us from the World but leads us deeper into it.

  • Emily Murdoch
    6:07 pm

    “Robin was born during Vietnam war” is a bit of a stretch, unless you’re counting the French involvement in the Indochina war. The rest of your premise is equally debatable on how truthful it is, but since it’s not proper to speak I’ll of the dead, I’ll just say a little more research into the subject may be warranted before declaring sainthood on your Mikes and Robins.

  • Emily Murdoch
    6:07 pm

    The steps of Salvation are as follows according to the New Testament: Hear, Believe, Confess, Repentance and Baptism (submersion, like the Ethiopian Eunich) and worship God on this first day of the week (without Musical Instruments, Just Like the New Testament: Make Melody in our hearts) and ask forgiveness when we do sin and study scriptures and live a godly life to the best of our abilities..

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