Religious public schools

Oklahoma: Both Sides Cite Religious Freedom in Ongoing Legal Dispute Over America’s First Religious Public School

It began in May of this year when Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt signed a bill into law that gave a tax incentive to parents

Baptist Church Sunday Service

Florida Black Churches Combat Mandated Sterilization of Their History In Schools—They Teach It Themselves

“Whenever there has been any kind of movement, particularly in the African American community, it started in the house of God.”  — Rev. Gaston

Baptists singing hymns

Worship Professor, Will Bishop, Asked What Do Smaller Churches Sing On Sundays – Hymns? Top 40? Oldies? – The Answer: Anything Goes

Sing to the Lord a new song – Psalms 96:1 A survey published in 1939 revealed that the most popular song in churches was

Prayer for USA

A Quiet Groundswell Among America’s Churches Targeting Racial Divisions Follows in the Wake of George Floyd’s Death

George Floyd’s death prompted uprisings against injustice throughout the world. That summer was marked by crowds—many of them newly aware of just how fraught

“You Can’t Love God Like That” – Well, Maybe You Can – A Congregation in Rural Georgia Defies the Odds and Flourishes by Welcoming Everyone

In the Rev. Grant Myerholtz’s congregation you’re not a bad person if you ever question your faith. Nor are you a bad person because of your color, your politics, your gender or your choice of people to love.…

The First Baptist Church in America

Religious Liberty in a New Land

In 1630, the Puritans, arriving from the Old World, came to America seeking religious liberty, but the Americas had known the Christian religion for

Religious News From Around the Web February 7, 2022

Blasphemy and Apostasy Punished; Winter Olympics -- Thawing of China's Treatment of Religious Minorities? China May Restrict Religious Expression Following Olympics; Streaming Online a

Martin Luther King JR

Religious News From Around the Web January 17, 2022

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” Speech; Origins of Religious Freedom Day; Christians Returning to Church, but Not Always the Same

Has Separation of Church and State Gone Too Far?

Religious News From Around the Web December 13, 2021

Guru Nanak Sikh Documentary on PBS; New Research on Religious Exemptions from COVID Vaccine; Defend Religiously Affiliated Child Care; Fauci Asks Faith Leaders to

Mississippi Schools Cannot Display Religious Items

Money, schools and religion: A controversial combo returns to the Supreme Court by Charles J. Russo

Since 1947, one topic in education has regularly come up at the Supreme Court more often than any other: disputes over religion. That year,