NWomen's March 1403 by Edward Kimmel

Citing Historical Along with Religious Grounds, Louisiana Is Poised…

Louisiana will be the first state to require poster-sized displays of the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms. Read More

Judge’s Gavel

Freedom of Religion Argument Goes One-For-Three in the First…

In a victory for anti-abortionists, most of them—according to a recent Public Religion Research Institute survey—White Christian nationalists—the Read More

OKC Supreme Court Entrance

Oklahoma State Supreme Court Echoes Madison and Jefferson In…

It would have been—and still could be—the first taxpayer-funded religious public school in America, representing not one small Read More

U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) hosted Women in FoRB: Making a Difference

“Bridgebuilders and Peacemakers” – Women in Freedom of Religion…

Adam, according to Genesis, was made of the dust of the earth. Not so Eve. Adam’s better half Read More

Pope Francis, in his visit to Colombia

A Funny Thing Happened on The Way to the…

Did you hear the one about the Pope and the comedians? At a unique celebration of humor on Read More

Design drawing for stained glass window of Resurrection

Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches May Be Ready…

For nearly a millennium, the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Vatican have been engaged in what Read More

Gate Shinto Shrine At Yashima Ji Kagawa Japan

The Gifts of Shintoism

Life is everywhere, say the followers of Shinto. The sanctified and blessed may be found in animals, in Read More

The Gifts of Jainism

The Gifts of Jainism

Buddha was not the only holy man teaching in India around the 5th century B.C.E. At the same Read More

Krishna Manifesting His Full Glory to Arjuna

The Gifts of Hinduism

On July 16, 1945, in a desert in New Mexico, American theoretical physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer witnessed the Read More

Grzegorz Sękulski. Jesus Christ Statue

The Gifts of Christianity

If you live on this planet, the odds are about one in three that you are a Christian. Read More