LGBT celebration at Foundry United Methodist Church

“Draw The Circle Wide”—United Methodist Church Repeals Ban on Gay Clergy, Allows LGBTQ Weddings

On May 1, by an overwhelming margin of 692-51, United Methodist Church (UMC) delegates repealed the longstanding ban on LGBTQ clergy. At the first


United Methodist Pastors Are Worried, Sleepless And Overweight

It’s been a rough few years for the United Methodist Church (UMC). Since 2019 over 6200 congregations have departed over church teachings on sexuality.

Prayer for USA

A Quiet Groundswell Among America’s Churches Targeting Racial Divisions Follows in the Wake of George Floyd’s Death

George Floyd’s death prompted uprisings against injustice throughout the world. That summer was marked by crowds—many of them newly aware of just how fraught

Millsaps College

Wedding Officiants Face Loss of Ministerial Credentials in Another Symptom of Friction within the United Methodist Church

It was a storybook wedding in every way—a loving couple, flowers, friends and two officiating ministers who had mentored the couple and were well

Religious News From Around The Web March 8, 2022

Dutch Football Superstar Embraces Islam; Jewish Telegraph Shares a Tale of Pride of a Ukrainian Jew Living in New York; New Denomination of United

Religious News From Around the Web November 29, 2021

Americans and Life after Death; United Methodist Split Meeting On For Now; Philly Pays Up, Catholic Adoption Agency Can Decline Same-Sex Parents; Opinion: Build

Facebook Shuts Down, Then Restores Pages of Arab Atheists and Secularists

Religious News From Around the Web August 16, 2021

Facebook Rolls Out Prayer Group; Churches, Organizations Pitch In To Help in Dixie Fire; Supreme Court’s Next Big One: Religion and Abortion; Infrastructure Bill

Politics, Religion and the Principled Life

“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch,” said Benjamin Franklin. Democracies had failed in the past, blown

Religious News From Around the Web, Jan 20th 2020

Confessional Seal Breach, Sikhs Census, Vaccination Exemptions, Methodist Agree to Split, 50 Countries Suppressive to Christians, India’s CAA Turmoil, China Increases Social Control Sikhs

WRN News From the Web: Mosque Shelters Students, Atheists Not Church, US Sanctions China over Uighurs, Rohingyas Denied Education, Dublin’s Covert Church, Iran Suppressing Bahá’ís, SMU Minus Methodist?, African Churches Use Scientology

Wisconsin Students Shelter in Mosque During School Attack About 100 high school students sheltered in a mosque across the street from their Oshkosh West