Adam Yauch’s Legacy Celebrated With Breakdancing Buddhist Monks

Breakdancing Buddhist monks took to the parks of New York City Friday afternoon to celebrate the legacy of Beastie Boy Adam Yauch. May 3

Who are the Kumari, Living Goddesses of Nepal?

The earthly embodiments of the Living Goddess the Kumari of Nepal lead fascinatingly different lives than anything most Westerners would find familiar. Many people

Second World Conference on Untouchability Being Held Until Friday April 18

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Father of the Indian Constitution, will be studied at the Second World Conference on Untouchability, being held in Kathmandu, Nepal this

Bodhi Day

Winter Holiday Series: Bodhi Day

Yesterday, December 8, marked Bodhi Day. Bodhi Day is a holiday celebrated by members of the Buddhist religion. The holiday marks the day Siddhartha

Myanmar Damage

Violent Disputes Between Muslims and Buddhists Continue to Rock Myanmar

Damages throughout the past year of violence in Myanmar A coastal town near Thandwe in Myanmar, where the president was scheduled to visit on

CBS World Religions: Tibetan Buddhism, Christian Science, Jainism

New TV Show to Examine Three World Religions

A program exploring three of the world’s religions will be screened on CBS on Sunday, October 13th. The show will focus on Tibetan Buddhism,

Pope Francis and Chinese President Xi Jinping

Pope Francis and Xi Jinping’s Standpoints on Religion and Money

Pope Francis and the Chinese Communist Party rulers of China who are close to Chinese president Xi Jinping, both criticize the abandonment of moral

Thay to speak at Google

Google Invites Buddhist Monk To Speak At Full-Day Training Session

Celebrated Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh will speak at Google this month Google has taken a vested interest in an 87-year-old Vietnamese Zen Buddhist

Tibetan Buddhist Monks Attempt to Help Save Dwindling Snow Leopard Population

Tibetan Buddhist Monks are doing their part to help save the endangered Snow Leopard species The love and respect of all living creatures is

Extremism in Burma

Buddhism has always been considered as a peaceful religion and philosophical way of life. In recent times there has been a disturbing trend, particularly