Catholic Medical Center, Manchester New Hampshire

U.S. Bishops Vote to Initiate Process For Prohibiting Transgender Medicine in Catholic Hospitals

In a potential turning point for healthcare services in Catholic hospitals, Roman Catholic bishops in the U.S. voted June 16 to establish formal regulations banning their denomination’s hospitals and healthcare facilities from offering medical procedures and therapies commonly known as …

Religious News From Around the Web November 22, 2021

Catholic Bishops Avoid Direct Rebuff of Biden over Abortion; Forty-One Countries Ban Religion-Related Groups; Christian Florist Settles Suit with Same-Sex Couple; Congress Issues Resolution

Archbishop Chaput Wants Pope to Cancel Youth Conference

What is the Synod of Bishops? A Catholic Priest and Theologian Explains, By William Clark

On Oct. 10, 2021, Pope Francis formally opened a two-year process called “a synod on synodality,” officially known as Synod 2021-2023: For a Synodal

Facebook Shuts Down, Then Restores Pages of Arab Atheists and Secularists

Religious News From Around the Web August 16, 2021

Facebook Rolls Out Prayer Group; Churches, Organizations Pitch In To Help in Dixie Fire; Supreme Court’s Next Big One: Religion and Abortion; Infrastructure Bill

Vatican Quashes ‘Fake News’ of Pope Benedict Death

Religious News From Around the Web August 9, 2021

Scientologist Wins Case Against Munich "Sect Filter;" Religious Restrictions Return with Rise of Delta Variant; Vatican Launches Global Compact on the Family; Problems With

Pope Francis Assigned the First African-American Bishop to Head the D.C. Church

Profiles in Faith: Wilton Cardinal Gregory: First African American Cardinal Advocates for Ethics and Inclusiveness

Introduction In October 2020, when Pope Francis announced his selection of 13 new cardinals from eight countries as diverse as Rwanda, Chile, Brunei and

Pope Francis Pleads for Ceasefire in Syria

Profiles in Faith: Pope Francis

INTRODUCTION When white smoke rose from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel March 13, 2013, heralding the selection of a new Pope, it set

New Study Reveals Religious Oppression Around The World

Religious News From Around the Web November 16, 2020

Pope Vows to “Uproot Evil” of Clerical Sexual Abuse, Ten Million Hindus Could Meet During Pandemic,Government Restrictions on Religion at All-Time High, Justice Alioto

FFRF Opposes Mass Baptism at Georgia High School

Religious News From Around the Web October 12, 2020

even more supreme court religious cases! Amy Coney Barrett Confirmation Hearings Begin, Man acquitted of "basic human kindness," Restricting number of congregants violates religious

Want to Worship? Show Me Your Papers! by Charles Franklin

We have seen government abandon the First Amendment protections of religious liberty to tell people of faith they must toss out their long-held beliefs