Why Religion Matters in Relationships

Spiritual compatibility can result in a better quality of marriage.

According to a study done by LifeWay Research, about 59 percent of the adult respondents said they were much more comfortable discussing political views compared to talking about their spirituality. Only 41 percent said they preferred to discuss religious matters.

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This trend overflows into relationship matters as well. When asked which factors are important to a successful marriage, the majority of relationship seekers, about 66 percent, say shared interests are extremely important. This was followed by 63 percent of people who favored a good sexual relationship and 62 percent who believed sharing household chores are a good determinator of marriage. In contrast, only 44 percent of the polled Americans said shared religious beliefs are important.

According to recent research, couples who avoid discussions on prayer's innate value or arguments concerning the latest proclamations of the pope can suffer. These may not be a factor in the short term, but can play a major role in romance for longer periods. The religious beliefs both partners import to any relationship will affect how the conflicts come out. It is also observed that faith plays an important role in the lives of children.

It is seen that couples who match in a religious sense can depend on support pillars which will not come into existence if that spiritual spine did not exist in the first place. This will play a big role during times of stress or even conflict. To give an example, the parents may stop an argument between themselves to pray together. This action of praying may assuage feelings of hurt. Similar opinions are echoed by evangelists, who say a couple who prays together are much more happier in any relationship. Faith in domestic lives brings benefits particularly for Latino and black families, according a study by W. Bradford Wilcox. A number of studies support this conclusion. It is seen that couples engaged in prayer concentrate on shared needs- and not on their individual concerns.

People who have difficulty sharing religious experiences with spouses will have problems remaining connected with their own spirituality. According to studies conducted by the Pew Research Center, adults engaged in religiously matched unions are more probable to have a belief in God. Their frequency of prayer is much more compared to religiously mixed marriages.

PRRI published a study recently saying 56% of Evangelical Christians believe having different religions is a major problem in a relationship, while only 17% of religiously unaffiliated Americans agree with the statement.


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