FFRF Reminds Trump U.S. is Not a “Nation of Believers”, Rather It’s Ruled by a Godless Constitution
- By Derek Welch --
- 26 May 2017 --

FFRF makes an announcement of their own, reminding the president that every American can choose for himself/herself whether or not to believe in God.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) published an advertisement in The New York Times yesterday, protesting against Trump’s claim that the U.S. is a nation of true believers. The ad depicts a caricature of Trump with the heading, “Mr. President, we are NOT a ‘nation of believers.” The FFRF is planning on suing the President for allowing tax-exempt churches to participate in political speech, which was until now prohibited.
FFRF Reminds Trump U.S. is Not a “Nation of Believers”, Rather It’s Ruled by a Godless Constitution[/tweetthis]
The advertisement reminds the president that rather than being a nation of believers, the U.S. was a nation ruled by a godless Constitution, adding that Americans are free to believe or disbelieve in God, whichever they choose. The FFRF also warned that such remarks from the president is very exclusionary and excludes America's “true non-believers” from being part of the country. It also pointed out that the U.S. is not a theocracy, and so no religious test of citizenship is warranted.
The FFRF is one of the strongest proponents of state and church separation. In the ad, the organization has given a call to all people with similar views that the time had come for a stronger stand in support of the “constitutional principle of church and state.” With 29,000 members around the country, FFRF is involved in all matters related to the issue of state and church separation. As such, it was only a matter of time before they slammed the president for labeling the entire nation as being religious.
The advertisement by the FFRF comes after the president’s address at Jerry Falwell’s Evangelical Christian University, the Liberty University, which is the citadel of Trump’s victory. The ad also slams the president’s budget that cuts funds from publicly funded secular schools and allows vouchers to be directed towards religious schools. The advertisement also calls on all “secularists to join or consider giving to FFRF’s Legal Fund “in Mike Pence’s name.”
Last week Trump announced that the U.S. was a nation of believers and that under him, religious freedom would never suffer. Through his words, it was very clear that he denounced the call for separation of church and state, in deference to the conservative Christians who were instrumental in pushing him to power.