Huffington Post Crowdsourcing #ReligionDoingGood Charity Stories
- By Alison Lesley --
- 04 Jun 2014 --
The Huffington Post is crowdsourcing examples of religious groups who are helping the world with the hashtag #ReligionDoingGood on Twitter.
Beginning last week, @HuffPostRelig has been tweeting a request: “.@HuffPostRelig is looking for 100 great examples of #ReligionDoingGood Tweet a link to your group helping the world at #ReligionDoingGood”
.@HuffPostRelig is looking for 100 great examples of #ReligionDoingGood Tweet a link to your group helping the world at #ReligionDoingGood
— HuffPost Religion (@HuffPostRelig) June 3, 2014
Hundreds of responses are flowing in from organizations across all faiths, tauting all kinds of feats.
@huffpostrelig We’re partnering with Africa to end the HIV/AIDS and water crises. #ReligionDoingGood
— Blood:Water (@bloodwater) June 3, 2014
South African Religions Working Together to End the Drug Epidemic #ReligionDoingGood
— Scientology (@Scientology) June 4, 2014
Los Angeles Area Interfaith Leaders Condemn Gun Violence After Santa Barbara Shootings. #ReligionDoingGood
— New Vision Partners (@NVPtweets) June 3, 2014
Grateful to be a part of @MakeWayPartners giving orphans in Sudan food, water & education. #ReligionDoingGood
— Adam Nash (@Adamlnash) June 3, 2014
Matt's #Bible Blog: Shine Like Stars (Philippians 2) – (which also ties in with the #ReligionDoingGood hashtag!)
— Matthew Cadden-Hyde (@starmanjack43) June 4, 2014
@HuffPostRelig #ReligionDoingGood "From worker to homeless and back again"
— CatholicCharities NO (@cathcharitiesNO) June 3, 2014
@raushenbush Families w/special needs children need help w/caregiving. Jill's House gives rest. #ReligionDoingGood
— Carolyn McCulley (@CarolynMcCulley) June 2, 2014
Upcoming #InterfaithRamadan project seeks to bring together ppl of faith/no faith, work towards inclusion social cohesion #ReligionDoingGood
— Interfaith Ramadan (@InterfaithRam) June 1, 2014
#religiondoinggood We're driving through town, passing out dated (but good) bread. Reactions are priceless!
— Diana Tyler (@xnrock) June 1, 2014
To share what your religious organization is doing to help others, simply post a tweet including the #ReligionDoingGood hashtag for a chance to be featured on The Huffington Post.