Hawaii Pregnancy Centers Go to Court Over Law Requiring Abortion Advertising
- By Kelly Frazier --
- 07 Oct 2017 --
They say that such a law violates their personal freedom
Alliance Defending Freedom, a legal organization known for its conservative views, went to court over a law which compels care centers for pregnancy to offer free abortion advertising. According to Kevin Theriot, the Senior Counsel of the entity, the law requires pregnancy centers which provides baby clothes and diapers to refer women to a website which promotes drugs causing abortions and abortionists.
Hawaii Pregnancy Centers Go to Court Over Law Requiring Abortion Advertising[/tweetthis]
This Hawaii law has a resemblance with a law which was passed in California in 2015. The law needed the licensed medical centers which provide pro-life and free help to pregnant women post a certain disclosure saying the state of California offers low-cost or free abortion and also contraception services. The Hawaii lawsuit was filed on July 12 by National Institute of Family and Life Advocates and the Calvary Chapel Pearl Harbor's pregnancy care center. The law in question, Senate Bill 501, came into effect on July 11.
In its hearing before Derrick Watson, the U.S. District Judge, the attorneys for the appellants argued that this law violates rights to their free speech and also religion. This is as it forces the appellants to post signs which interfere with their faith.
As per Kevin Connelly, an attorney representing the pro-lifers, “It forces a church, Calvary Chapel Pearl Harbor, to post on its walls that same message which interferes with the faith, mission and governance of the church.” He continues on to say that the law even forces churches like Calvary Chapel Pearl Harbor to post on walls a message which interferes with the governance, mission and the faith of the church. The lawyer also alleged that the law exposes clients to third-party lawsuits in case the centers do not intentionally post these signs.
Connelly alleged that the law threatens to totally obliterate pro-life centers. He pointed out that the needy and the poor are forced to spend their money on lawsuits. The state argued back, saying that the law, contrary to what the religious conservatives say, does not break the constitutional rights of any person. On the contrary, this legislation ensures that women stay safe.
Deidre Marie-Iha, the Deputy Attorney General of Hawaii said, "It's actually…to make sure that women who are at these centers that provide limited services are aware that there are greater services available to them and that those services can be free or at low cost.”
A ruling will be reached in a few weeks.