Judge’s Gavel

Freedom of Religion Argument Goes One-For-Three in the First Round of Pro-Choice Lawsuits

In a victory for anti-abortionists, most of them—according to a recent Public Religion Research Institute survey—White Christian nationalists—the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the

Facebook Shuts Down, Then Restores Pages of Arab Atheists and Secularists

Religious News From Around the Web August 16, 2021

Facebook Rolls Out Prayer Group; Churches, Organizations Pitch In To Help in Dixie Fire; Supreme Court’s Next Big One: Religion and Abortion; Infrastructure Bill

FFRF Opposes Mass Baptism at Georgia High School

Religious News From Around the Web October 12, 2020

even more supreme court religious cases! Amy Coney Barrett Confirmation Hearings Begin, Man acquitted of "basic human kindness," Restricting number of congregants violates religious

Want to Worship? Show Me Your Papers! by Charles Franklin

We have seen government abandon the First Amendment protections of religious liberty to tell people of faith they must toss out their long-held beliefs

Religious Liberty Under Attack and into Focus By Charles Franklin

One might suppose that religious liberty in the United States, would – like granite cliffs – withstand any ocean storm of legal assaults. It

Religious News From Around the Web May 18, 2020

Religious liberty under attack: Faith-based organizations targeted by restrictions, threats and lawsuits. The Right to Worship Religious groups in California, Louisiana, Virginia, Kansas, Minnesota

TST Appeals Missouri ‘Non-Scientific’ Based Abortion Law

The Satanic Temple Appeals Missouri’s ‘Non-Scientific’ Based Abortion Law

The Satanic Temple claims Missouri’s mandated religious material is designed to shame women who wish to have an abortion. A lawsuit has been filed

Judge Blocks Ohio ‘Heartbeat’ Bill

Judge Blocks Ohio ‘Heartbeat’ Bill

An unconstitutional "undue burden" on a woman's right to get an abortion Last Wednesday, a federal judge blocked the heartbeat bill in Ohio[/tweetit]. The

Missouri Judge Declares State Can’t Require Doctors’ Testimony in Hearing on Abortion Clinic

Missouri Judge Declares State Can’t Require Doctors’ Testimony in Hearing on Abortion Clinic

Justice Stelzer extended the functioning of the sole Planned Parenthood clinic in Missouri Judge Michael F. Stelzer of St. Louis's Missouri State Court ruled

Louisiana ‘Fetal Heartbeat’ Abortion Ban Set to be Signed into Law

Louisiana ‘Fetal Heartbeat’ Abortion Ban Set to be Signed into Law

Governor Edwards is the exception among Democrats The state of Louisiana stands out from the other pro-life states which want to restrict the rights