StarTalk: National Geographic Late-Night Talk Show with Neil deGrasse Tyson
- By Hayli Harding --
- 06 Apr 2015 --
The hour long segment is based on his weekly podcast, StarTalk, and will share the name. The show will cover a wide range of current issues and topics, and will feature at least 3 special guests each week. The first night’s episode will have George Takei discussing Star Wars and how it relates to our current status in the world. Among the many guest stars, he has lined up Jimmy Carter, Chris Hadfield, Richard Dawkins and Norman Lear. The late night talk show will run every Monday at 11 PM ET/10 PM CT, and will be re-aired every Friday.
Dr. Tyson fuses pop culture and science with commentary from a wide range of actors, comedians, celebrities, professors and more. At SXSW, he said that “expanding the StarTalk radio show and podcast into a television show on National Geographic Channel offers a unique opportunity to show viewers how pervasive science is in our culture and how entertaining science can be.”
In the first episode, George Takei and Neil deGrassse Tyson will sit down and talk about the many ways Star Trek can be related to today’s moral and social issues. Charles Liu, the astrophysicist at the American Museum of Natural History and the College of Staten Island, along with Leighann Lord, a comedian, will be putting in their own two cents, while Bill Nye goes deeper into the aspects of Star Trek related to civil rights and technology.
Appearing on later episodes is Christopher Nolan, the screenwriter and producer, to discuss his views on the science of Interstellar. Arianna Huffington will talk about technology’s influence on our communication methods. Richard Dawkins wonders how religion and science can coexist in our society, while the episode with Jimmy Carter covers the progress in ending fatal diseases. Chris Hadfield talks social media and space, while Biz Stone shows up in the following episode to talk about Twitter’s impact on society. Dr. Tyson has episodes with Charles Bolden from NASA and Norman Lear, a television producer, as well.