Philly Daily News Slams Trump as “The New Furor”

Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Philly tabloid comes out swinging after Trump’s proposal on Muslims, declares him “The New Furor.”

Many newspapers, including The Philadelphia Daily News, responded hard to the proposal by Donald Trump to barricade the U.S. against all Muslim immigrants, including tourists. The Philadelphia tabloid compared him to Adolf Hitler with Trump's arm raised in the same manner as a Nazi salute. He was also subjected to a fuehrer pun, with the headline reading “The New Furor.”

Philly Daily News Slams Trump as “The New Furor”[/tweetthis]

For Donald Trump, this may be the time he has ventured too far out. Even though his political obituary started to be written almost from the start of his campaign, when the Republican presidential candidate stated that Mexicans migrating to America are rapists. Trump then declared that John McCain cannot be considered a war hero as he was a Vietnam POW. The present problem of The Donald is not his decidedly offensive or racist comments about Muslims, but of his adoption of a policy which violated the long cherished constitutional notions regarding religious liberty.

Russell Moore, President of the Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, stated in his blog that Trump was adept at knowing a moment and seizing it to further his own political goals. Trump has pledged to stamp down extremism after a California attack wreaked by Islamic radicals. Moore said that those who consider themselves as Christians should defend religious liberty not only when Christian rights are violated, but when there was a violation of other religious rights as well.

Moore is of the opinion that the U.S. government must fight to its fullest against Islamic jihadism. He advocated that the government must close borders against anybody suspected of involvement with a terrorist network. What the government must not do, however, is to penalize people who abide by the law simply due to the citizens upholding religious convictions.

Moore, an evangelical theologian, said that any government which could shut mosques for the simple reason of them being mosques can shut Bible studies as they are simply Bible studies. He goes on further to say that a government which close the nation's borders to Muslims for their religious convictions can give identical treatment to evangelical Christians as well.

Trump was long viewed with considerable suspicion among social conservatives and evangelicals. There are a number of reasons for this. He reportedly told the attendees at an Iowa social conservative forum that he never asked for forgiveness from God. Trump also expressed his love towards the Christmas event by waving his Bible towards a conservative audience.


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