World Religion News Ranked #2 of Top 50 Religious Blogs and Websites


World Religion News is chosen again as one of the top religious websites.

Feedspot, a content reader and social network for RSS users, has chosen World Religion News as one of the “Top 50 Religious Blogs and Websites about the World of Religion.” WRN was ranked second among the top 50, ranking between Religion on Reddit, which got first place, and Religion News Service, which got third place.

World Religion News Ranked #2 of Top 50 Religious Blogs and Websites[/tweetthis]

Sites are chosen for the list based on search and social media metrics. This is not the first time World Religion News has been chosen as a top religion news site. In 2016, World Religion News was ranked #1 by Feedspot.

Other websites in the top 10 are Religion Dispatches, Religion and Belief from the New York Times, Catholic Exchange, Episcopal Café, Get Religion, Feminism and Religion, and the Scientology Religion Blog.


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