The Unique Trends Being Embraced During Ramadan 2017
- By Alison Lesley --
- 04 May 2017 --
![By Victorgrigas (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons](http://www.worldreligionnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Jerusalem_muslim_quarter_during_Ramadan_Victor_Grigas_2011_-1-49.jpg)
Trends for Ramadan 2017
Ramadan is celebrated during the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and Muslims worldwide fast (Sawm) as a way of celebrating the receiving of the Quran by Muhammad, which is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is an annual event that lasts about 29-30 days depending on the moon and the Muslims focus on purification, prayer and charitable acts. This year, Ramadan starts on Friday, May 26 to Saturday June 24 whereby the dates have been dictated by the lunar cycle.
The Unique Trends Being Embraced During Ramadan 2017[/tweetthis]
The fasting period is normally done by adults with an exemption the sick, pregnant and nursing mothers, if you are traveling, the elderly, diabetic patients or if you are on your periods. Fasting is seen as a way of cleansing the soul and being free from impurities and they abstain from food, drink, sex, swearing, sinful acts and gossip from early morning to the evening. Meals are only taken early in the morning (sufur) and late in the evening (iftar).
Ramadan is around the corner and this year Muslims are seeking to have a deeper spiritual connection. [/tweetit]
This year’s theme of seeking a deeper, richer and more fulfilling spiritual experience is to enrich them so as to feel the spirit of the season and they have five unique trends. These trends are:
1. They plan to continue with the traditional Ramadan meals which are mostly water, dates, salads, appetizers, juice, one or two dishes and several kinds of deserts but they will pay more attention to nutrition. They want to embrace a healthy lifestyle during Ramadan so they will lean more on the use of organic ingredients and combine this with other activities.
2. Most Muslims say they do gain weight during Ramadan so they plan to work out 30 to 45 minutes before enjoying the iftar delicacies in order to enhance their health. Most will do these activities at home, however, it will require motivation and convenience for the success of being active during this period.
3. Have a deep experience of generosity by seeking more efficient and unique ways to reach those who are in need. They want to do more than giving money and are able to feel, see and experience those who are receiving their generosity especially those they can’t reach.
4. Most Muslims plan to spend less time watching TV programs and spend more time on the internet. Through the internet and social media, they will be able to embrace and be better aligned which will enhance their spirituality during Ramadan.
5. Muslims will fast more with their friends rather than their families because they feel that this year has been hit by the competitive economic condition hence causing them to work twice as hard. Business will be more or less as usual, but it will not have any impact on their spirituality.