Twitter Erupts to Trump’s Endorsement of Bible Study in Schools
- By Nathan Glover --
- 28 Jan 2019 --
Critics say Trump’s support of Bible study in public schools is in violation of the constitution.
President Donald Trump is cheering on the move to bring Bible literacy classes to public schools.
“Numerous states introducing Bible Literacy classes, giving students the option of studying the Bible. Starting to make a turn back? Great!” Trump said in a tweet following a report on Fox & Friends that six states have introduced bills that would permit the study of the Bible in public schools.
Advocates argue these bills could cross the line separating church and state and are being used by Christians to promote their faith in the public system.
So much for separation of church and state. Are we on our way to Christian version of Sharia Law?
— Martina Navratilova (@Martina) January 28, 2019
Do they give students the option of which bible to study? As we say… Satanism demands study, not worship!
— The Church Of Satan (@ChurchofSatan) January 28, 2019
They can do their bible study in church where it belongs. They can study the Bible, Koran and other religious works as historical works or literature in school. We do separate church and state in this country.
— Keith Robisch (@robischk) January 28, 2019
I went to bible study on Wed night, Sunday morning and Sunday night. How many days a week do you need bible study and why do it at public schools when so many kids are below grade level in reading and writing? Also, I am pretty sure Trump never read a bible. Two Corinthians?
— Joyce Young (@joycekyoung) January 28, 2019
This is what Sunday school is for. I don't want my tax dollars going to teaching bible study in public schools.
— Greg Fabian (@Greg_Fabian) January 28, 2019