Reflecting on the Life of Mother Angelica, Who Passed Away on Easter
- By Derek Welch --
- 29 Mar 2016 --

Mother Angelica leaves behind a legacy of commitment and holiness that is an inspiration to the world.
In the year 1978, while she was working for a Christian cable TV network, Mother Angelica came to know that the network was planning to air a program that in her view was blasphemous. She objected, and when her objection fell on deaf years, she walked out and founded EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network) Global Catholic Network. It was launched in 1981. As of now, EWTN is the largest religious media network in the world. It broadcasts 24/7, in multiple languages. It reaches over 250 million homes in 140 countries.
Reflecting on the Life of Mother Angelica, Who Passed Away on Easter[/tweetthis]
Mother Angelica passed away on Easter Sunday (March 27th, 2016). She was 92 years old. She has been suffering from a lot of ailments ever since she suffered a debilitating stroke almost 15 years ago. For a number of years following the stroke, she was able to communicate only with a squeeze of her hand. Mother Angelica will be buried in the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament's Crypt Chapel, Hanceville, on April 1st, 2016, after the mass at 11 a.m.
Born to John and Mae Helen Rizzo, in the year 1923, Mother Angelica's incredible life of faith can be attributed to a miraculous incident that happened when she was young. In the year 1939, Rita Rizzo (Mother Angelica's birth name) started suffering from constant stomach pain. By 1943, it became so severe that she had to seek medical attention for it. X-rays revealed serious abnormalities in her stomach and intestines. Medical treatments made no change in her condition. Then she was given a novena to St. Therese of Lisieux by Rhoda Wise, an alleged U.S. stigmatist from Canton, Ohio, to whom people had attributed a number of miraculous healings.
This is from #MotherAngelica’s Little Book of Life Lessons. I added it to the book since she said it to me once… pic.twitter.com/cVr1wpbPxP
— Raymond Arroyo (@RaymondArroyo) March 29, 2016
Rita was doubtful at first, however, she prayed the novena, and after nine days, Rita's stomach pain disappeared completely, and she was healed completely. The experience touched Rita's life so much that she decided to set aside her whole life in the service of God. In the year 1945, she was vested as a Poor Clare (Order of Saint Clare) nun. She received a new name and title, 'Sister Mary Angelica of the Annunciation'. In the year 1962, Sister Angelica officially established 'Our Lady of the Angels' monastery in Irondale, Alabama.
Mother Angelica has always been a charismatic speaker. That and her deep faith in God helped her to make EWTN what it is today. The success of EWTN can mainly be attributed to its appeal to everyday Catholics. EWTN caters to the need of the faithful.
Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus, Carl Anderson, said that Mother was fearless because she knew God was with her, and because of that, she was able to transform the whole Catholic broadcasting world.
Mother Angelica has always been an ardent supporter of the Church, and the Pope.
Benedict XVI described Mother Angelica’s death as “a gift” since it occurred on Easter Sunday.