“What the Fatima?” MuslimGirl and ORLY Release a Nail Polish for Muslims
- By Kelly Frazier --
- 07 Jun 2017 --

ORLY creates a new line of halal nail polish specifically for Muslim women.
As the desire to welcome all cultures increases, mainstream corporations are looking for ways to address the needs of underserved minorities. The latest company to address both the religious requirements and beauty wants of Muslims is the nail polish brand ORLY.
“What the Fatima?” MuslimGirl and ORLY Release a Nail Polish for Muslims[/tweetthis]
Their limited-edition collection of nail polishes was created by the L.A.-based company in collaboration with Muslim lifestyle site MuslimGirl.com.
Called “#HalalPaint,” the collection consists of six colors with tongue in cheek names such as “#MuslimGirlFire”, “What the Fatima”, and “The Perfect Amani-Cure”, a nod to the founder of MuslimGirl, Amani Al-Khatahtbeh. The line was launched during the month of Ramadan, a period of religious significance for Muslims.
The nail polishes are unique in that they are made using only halal ingredients. “Halal” is the Arabic word for “permissible” and refers to items that can be used or consumed by a Muslim. The polish is certified Halal by the Islamic Society of The Washington Area (ISWA).
In addition the the Halal ingredients, the nail polish is part of ORLY’s “Breathable” line, meaning the polish is specially formulated to allow air and water to pass through it, similar to a contact lens. This also promotes nail growth and strength, while repairing damaged nails.
This is an important requirement for Muslim women as they are required to engage in a ritual washing ceremony called “Wudhu” before they perform their prayers. The ritual requires Muslim women wash their arms and hands completely, ensuring water has completely covered the hands. This type of purification is necessary before prayer and before touching the Quran. However, since nail polish can typically act as a barrier between the nails and the water, women usually avoid wearing nail polish altogether.
The nail polish line also boasts longevity and eliminated chipping. Therefore, there isn’t a requirement for topcoats or basecoats either. The nail polishes are also infused with vitamin C and argan oil.

According to Azmia Magane, Chief of Staff at MuslimGirl.com, launching the nail polish line goes beyond convenience as it represents a group of women who are hardly considered in the beauty industry.
“This line is important because there are so many girls and young women who aren’t represented by mainstream industries. They see things about them that are designed without them instead of for them and by them. This is our way of bridging that gap,” explained Magne.
This is amazing. @Muslimgirl teams up with @Orly to create Halal-friendly nail polish. #beauty https://t.co/vlvx7eveQx
— Logan Levkoff, Ph.D. (@LoganLevkoff) June 6, 2017
The idea of halal nail polishes isn’t completely new. Other companies have options as well. But, their perception within the Islamic community is mixed. Some believe these nail polishes don’t lend validation to the ritual.
MuslimGirlxORLY nail polishes can be pre-ordered at www.halalpaint.com for $49 and will begin shipping July 1.