Fortune-Time Global Forum 2016 with Pope Francis Concludes at the Vatican

Fortune and Time editors present special report to Pope; Pope praises businessmen for their participation.

A number of Fortune 500 and Time 100 CEOs came together for the Fortune/Time Global Forum held at the Vatican in Rome at the Pope’s call to come together to discuss how business leaders could help bring relief to a world that is suffering from inequality and lack of opportunities. The 2016 Fortune/Time Global Forum was also attended by members and leaders from NGOs, social organizations and religious leaders as well. The two-day forum was held December 2-3 and was concluded with a special audience with the Pope.

Fortune-Time Global Forum 2016 with Pope Francis Concludes at the Vatican[/tweetthis]

The business leaders convened to present a special report to the Pope, titled The 21st century Challenge: Forging a New Social Compact. The delegates met to discuss practical solutions to current world problems, inspired by the Pope’s pleas to discover permanent and holistic ways of enriching the lives of people and uplifting the poor.

This is yet another instance that shows the Pope’s desire that the Church should involve itself more in the world’s problems than in problems of religion and dogma.

The report was presented to the Pope by the editors of Time and Fortune. The 2016 Fortune/Time Global Forum focused on discussing solutions to world problems such as unemployment, inequality, lack of education, lack of proper facilities, hostility to refugees, war, environmental damage and so on. The aim of the forum was to understand how the business community can work together towards relieving the world from the problems that it suffers from.

The report to the Pope was accompanied by a letter from Fortune editor-in-chief Alan Murray and Time Inc. News Group editorial director and Time editor-in-chief Nancy Gibbs, which says that the businesses have the ability and opportunity to do much good to the world. The letter also expresses hope that other businesses will take the leaders that gathered at the 2016 Fortune/Time Global Forum as examples and themselves strive to make the world a better place as well.

The report, which contains over 20 practical solutions to these world issues and was received gratefully by the Pope, who praised the leaders for their presence at the Forum, which he observed is a sign that they are actively interested in bringing healing to the world. The Pope also said that the world today is at great unrest and that war and poverty has devastated numerous communities. The Pontiff also expressed his sorrow over the gross inequality between countries.

The Pope believes that the best way to heal the world would be is each person were to take responsibility for their own actions and undergo a personal conversion so as to become more sensitive to the needs of others.


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