How Martin Luther King, Jr. and Prophet Muhammad Are Alike
- By Shehla Ahmad --
- 18 Jan 2016 --
Prophet Muhammad and Martin Luther King, Jr. led a shared fight against discrimination.
Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, a public holiday in America. This day is a reminder of his great work and commendable efforts in the civil rights movement effectively protesting racial discrimination. This day every year also reminds me of the “Farewell Address” of the Prophet of Islam. I will share with you how and why:
How Martin Luther King, Jr. and Prophet Muhammad Are Alike[/tweetthis]
The message given by Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of God be upon him) during his “Farewell Address” 1400 years ago is ever enlightening. That message is needed as much today as it was then. I wish ISIL would at least pay heed to these last words of the Prophet of Islam as ISIL seem to be completely ignorant of the revealed words of God preserved as Holy Quran. I hope these last words of Prophet Muhammad also reach out to the possibly vulnerable individuals, and thus to save them from ever falling prey to the hateful propaganda of ISIL. And I also wish the vast majority of my fellow Americans who may be ignorant of #TrueIslam will also get to read this message. I shall quote few excerpts from the “Farewell Address” below:
“Your lives and your possessions have been made immune by God to attacks by one another until the Day of Judgment.”
“All of you are equal. All men, whatever nation or tribe they may belong to, and whatever station in life they may hold, are equal.”
“Even as the fingers of the two hands are equal, so are human beings equal to one another. No one has any right, any superiority to claim over another. You are as brothers.”
As this address was given at the occasion of his last pilgrimage, he related this final message with the sacredness of that month and said:
“God made the lives, property and honor of every man sacred. To take any man's life or his property, or attack his honor, is as unjust and wrong as to violate the sacredness of this day, this month, and this territory. What I command you today is not meant only for today. It is meant for all time. You are expected to remember it and to act upon it until you leave this world and go to the next to meet your Maker.”
No doubt, in this message lies the welfare of all humanity. ISIL is in total denial of words of Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him).
As Americans, let’s continue to say no to all forms of discriminations. Let’s not permit the spirit of Martin Luther King Jr.’s struggle to ever die.
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. day!
— Jamal Crawford (@JCrossover) January 18, 2016