Graffiti Mocks Trump at Western Wall
- By Elisa Meyer --
- 07 Aug 2017 --

The art seems to be inspired by famous street artist Banksy.
Graffiti mocking President Trump has surfaced on the Israeli security barrier in Bethlehem.[/tweetit] It was unclear whether the West Bank structure is by the celebrated artist Banksy or any other artist copying his distinctive style. The barrier separates Bethlehem city from Israel. It is claimed Lushsux, an artist from Australia, has drawn the graffiti.
Graffiti Mocks Trump at Western Wall[/tweetthis]
The drawings portray President Donald J. Trump of the United States wearing a Jewish kippa. He touches the wall, promising the wall, as depicted by speech bubbles, that he will construct a sibling for the wall, clearly mocking the Republican president's Mexico border wall plan. The drawing reminds one of devout Jews touching Jerusalem's Western Wall, which is considered by Jews as a holy structure. Trump visited the region about two months ago, in May.
Another painting depicts President Trump hugging a military watchtower and kissing the Israeli installation. Hearts are drawn coming out of his mouth. The president's left hand encircles the structure linked to the wall. Lushsux told Newsweek, "I just have seen that Trump loves border walls, so since I'm at one of the biggest yet somehow not so well known ones in the world I thought I'd paint Mr. Trump on it."
Aussie graffiti artist gives Trump a huge spray on Israel’s West Bank wall | The New Daily https://t.co/hlbT04frqU
— Steve (@SteveBrown_2011) August 6, 2017
U.S. President Trump had openly shared his love towards the Israeli made West Wall. In his eyes, the wall symbolizes exactly what should be in the United States-Mexico border. He believes that a barrier between the two countries will stop the smuggling of drugs and trafficking of people. It will also put an end to illegal immigration.
For Palestinians, the wall is a tool wielded by Tel Aviv to subjugate them. This wall, they believe intentionally separates the Palestinians to make them politically weak. They point out that the wall helps the Israel to snip off multiple sections of land in the West Bank to benefit the Jewish state. The Palestinian side of the wall is daubed with paint and graffiti. Greater incidences of graffiti are found in Bethlehem. The town has an unmatched historical and religious significance as it is the birthplace of Christ. The place of Church of the Nativity is located here. The wall was constructed during the time when the second intifada by the Palestinians was at its peak. The purpose of the wall, according to the Israeli security forces, is to stop gunmen from putting their foot on Israeli soil.