Franklin Graham Leaves Republican Party, is Touring to Promote Voting and Prayer

Franklin Graham Leaves Republican Party, is Touring to Promote Voting and Prayer

Franklin Graham Leaves Republican Party, is Touring to Promote Voting and Prayer
By Cornstalker (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Evangelist Franklin Graham’s Decision America Tour wants to improve Future of America and put God back into politics.

Renowned evangelist Franklin Graham batted for God for securing the future of America as he brushed aside the importance of political parties while speaking at a program broadcast by Fox News on Wednesday.

Franklin Graham Leaves Republican Party, is Touring to Promote Voting and Prayer[/tweetthis]

Graham, the president and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse, said that while God has been expelled from the political debates and public space in America, he wanted to put God right back to where he belonged.

It is important to mention here that Graham is currently leading the Decision America tour. The tour is meant to engage Americans across all 50 states to hold their hands and pray. He also justified his decision to leave the Republican Party.

He quipped, “I’m fed up. I don’t think I can go to all 50 state capitals and stand and ask for people to pray and be affiliated with one of the parties. I don't want people to think, he’s doing this for the Republicans or he’s doing it for this group or that group. I’m not. I’m doing this for God.”

In an obvious reference to the ongoing political discourse, Graham opined that he had no faith in either the Republican Party or the Democratic Party. In fact, he expressed his serious reservations about the purpose of any and every political party.

Graham also made the following statement: “The only hope for this country is God. And we have taken God out of the political debate. We’ve taken Him out of the public space. And I want to put Him back in.”

He said that the intention of the tour is to help people hold each other’s hands and pray to God so that they can confess their own sins and the sins of their country. He added that the Christians in America are showing a different voting trend as they seek for strong leadership and honesty.

Explaining the meaning of the term Evangelist, he said that the term refers to anyone who accepts the scriptures and the Bible as the word of God. However, he expressed doubt if the term continues to mean the same in the contemporary times. With a dash of irony, he added that a lot of people call themselves evangelists without actually subscribing to the philosophy of evangelism.

Stressing on the importance of voting, Graham said, “I want Christians to not only vote in the national elections, I want them to vote in the state elections and local elections. How important it is to get Christian mayors, to get Christian city council people, to get Christians on the school boards. I want Christians to run for office, and I want them to vote.”


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