FOX News Poll: 25% of the U.S. Believes God Wanted Trump To Be President

FOX News Poll: 25% of the U.S. Believes God Wanted Trump To Be President

Pollers agree with White House Press Secretary's claim that God chose Trump A poll conducted by Fox News found 25 percent of Americans believe

Tucker Carlson Claims the Kavanaugh Reaction Is Due to Democrats Creating a ‘Theocracy Run by Atheists’

Tucker Carlson Claims the Kavanaugh Reaction Is Due to Democrats Creating a ‘Theocracy Run by Atheists’

Carlson pointed out that the Supreme Court nominee wrote in excess of 300 opinions Tucker Carlson, the host of Fox News and a known

Why Is Trump's Prophet Is Getting A Movie?

Why Is Trump’s Prophet Getting A Movie?

Christian Liberty University Will Be Making The Movie Some students at Liberty University are angry. Film students at the Christian universty were told they

Reality TV Show Brings RFRA Case on Catering Gay Wedding to Your TV Screen

'You the Jury' brings up a controversial incident surrounding a pizzeria's refusal to cater a gay wedding. FOX's new reality show You the Jury,

Ex-Fox News Reporter Appointed as Vatican Spokesman

Former Fox News and Opus Dei appointed as Vatican Spokesman It has been the practice of the Catholic Church for centuries to choose Italians

CAIR Report: “Confronting Fear: Islamophobia and its Impact in the United States”

The Muslim advocacy group CAIR, who released the report, says Donald Trump and Ted Cruz’s proposals are outgrowths of anti-Muslim propaganda. The largest Muslim

Franklin Graham Leaves Republican Party, is Touring to Promote Voting and Prayer

Franklin Graham Leaves Republican Party, is Touring to Promote Voting and Prayer

Evangelist Franklin Graham's Decision America Tour wants to improve Future of America and put God back into politics. Renowned evangelist Franklin Graham batted for


Donate Now So You Can Install Rainbow Festivus Poles In Your State Capitol Building

The Humanity Fund's LGBT campaign will put Rainbow Festivus Poles in State buildings. The last two years saw Chaz Stevens, an activist from Florida,

Fox News Anchor Calls Kim Davis Supporters Out as Haters in Real Life

Shepard Smith accuses Kim Davis supporters of making planned disruptions that question laws, particularly when it comes to racial and gay discrimination. Mike Huckabee