Why Is Trump's Prophet Is Getting A Movie?

Why Is Trump’s Prophet Getting A Movie?

Why Is Trump's Prophet Is Getting A Movie?
Via video screenshot
Christian Liberty University Will Be Making The Movie

Some students at Liberty University are angry. Film students at the Christian universty were told they are going to be involved in the making of a major motion picture. They were upset to learn the movie would be Commander, based on the life of Mark Taylor.

Why Is Trump’s Prophet Is Getting A Movie?[/tweetthis]

Mark Taylor is a former firefighter who believes God gave him a list of prophecies that surround Trump. His prophecies have a clear conservative leaning. Here are some of the things God told Mark Taylor:

  • Trump would be president.
  • Obama was allowed a second term to build “righteous anger”
  • Trump will release a cure for cancer and Alzheimer’s disease in his second term.
  • Obama will be arrested for treason.
  • Thousands of satanic pedophiles have been secretly arrested.
  • Hurricanes Irma and Harvey were created by the Illuminati to punish areas that voted against Trump.
  • There is a “massive witchcraft attack” coming up against the United States.

So, it seems a bit odd that a notable Christian university would decide to make a movie about someone who seems closer to a Fox News version of Nostradamus than a unifying figure. It is a large departure from the first student-led film that was released last year, Extraordinary, about Liberty Professor and running legend David Horton.

A petition has been made with over 500 signatures saying the movie should be scrapped because it violates the principles of the school. Students also felt they were told they would be working on a different project and feel they were not involved in approving the topic.

The movie is slated to be released on a limited theatrical run in October.


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