Franklin Graham Leaves Republican Party, is Touring to Promote Voting and Prayer

Franklin Graham Leaves Republican Party, is Touring to Promote Voting and Prayer

Evangelist Franklin Graham's Decision America Tour wants to improve Future of America and put God back into politics. Renowned evangelist Franklin Graham batted for

Which Political Party do Religious Groups Typically Vote For?

How U.S. religious groups lean in politics. According to the Religious Landscape Study by Pew Research Center, The Republican party rests easy with Mormons

Less People Believe in God, More are Exiting the Church

Only 61% of the religiously unaffiliated say they believe in God, compared to 70% in 2007. Pew Research Center's 2014 Religious Landscape Study reveals

Religious Americans are Becoming More Accepting of Homosexuality

Many changes have occurred in American social and political attitudes, according to the latest Pew Research study. There have been many changes in idealism

Obama: “Religious Freedom Is No Excuse to Deprive Others”

President Obama made significant remarks about religious freedom at a Democratic National Committee LGBT fundraising event in New York last Sunday. Speaking at an