These Shocking “Quran Passages” Are Actually From the Bible

By ~crystalina~ (Flickr) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
By ~crystalina~ (Flickr) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Passages from the Bible, disguised as Quran passages, are read to people on the street to get their reactions.

Two Dutch pranksters, Alexander Spoor and Sacha Harland, have given the definitive proof that while people may be aware of Bible and Quran as the two holy books, a majority of them are unaware of what they contain. Many conservative minded Christians push forward the argument that the Quran is saturated with misogyny and barbarism. They forget about their own Bible containing a significantly large number of horrific verses.

These Shocking “Quran Passages” Are Actually From the Bible[/tweetthis]

The Harland and Spoor video uploaded to YouTube proved a mega hit. The video is simple enough: members of the public were asked to share their views regarding a few “shocking” verses extracted from the Quran. The two have their own YouTube channel called Dit is Normaal, which is Dutch for “This is Normal.”

The video consists of asking random people on streets to give their opinions on a few Bible verses. There is a twist, however, as the pranksters disguised the Christian holy book by wrapping it in a cover that read “The Holy Quran.”

A voiceover introducing the experiment says "Muslims have been accused of following a faith that has no place in our Western culture.”

Spoor and Harland ask “What about Christianity?” It’s a religion that has had a major influence on Western Europe.

After the video was posted into YouTube, it became a viral sensation that already has over 4.5 million views.

People are amazed by the verses they highlighted for the program. The two described those verses as the ones that have no place in western values and norms. In fact, the people who fell for their prank laughed when the two disclosed that the passages were actually taken from the Bible.

The concerned verses deal with obedience to God, homosexuality and the role of women. For the role of women in society, they highlighted a verse that exhorts the women to learn quietly and be completely submissive in their actions. When it comes to obeying God, the two highlighted the verse where God commands followers to obey him to the letter, and if they do not, they will be forced to consume the flesh of their offspring. The homosexual text declared that if two men had relations with each other, both must be killed.

The reactions to these passages were predictable. One passerby responded by saying that these teachings are going to adversely influence the manner people think. Another said that it is clearly an oppressive religion which forces the reader to believe what they themselves believe.


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