Pence Appears at Focus on Family Event
- By Gary Nguyen --
- 26 Jun 2017 --
The US Vice President attends religious right group’s anniversary celebration; promises unwavering support from Trump administration.
US Vice President, Mike Pence, flew to Colorado to attend an Anniversary Gala held by Focus on the Family. The VP’s visit is being seen as critical in a time where the religious right is experiencing positive change.
Pence Appears at Focus on Family Event[/tweetthis]
Focus on the Family, which was known to be heavily involved in politics, had taken a step back in recent years owing to pressure from younger evangelicals who were against partisan culture feuds.
However, senior members of the group have stood their ground; many of them playing a key role in getting Trump elected.
Trump’s win has had a positive impact on the group’s traditional approach, restoring it as one of its core values.
In his address to the gathering, Pence called on the group to once again start participating in politics, especially with regard to the administration’s latest health care bill that would see drastic cuts in the funding for Planned Parenthood.
In fact, Pence made it clear, during his address, that the bill would be a tool to help defund the abortion provider.
Focus on the Family was established in 1977 by the child psychologist, James Dobson, who was also known for hosting a Christian radio show on parenting. The radio show is said to be his first step towards establishing the organization, which, once boasted of 1000 employees.
Dobson used Focus on the Family as a platform to step into politics. He would often get involved in legislative discussions and even be a part of White House Panels. He was also a staunch critic of gay rights.
Focus on the Family has largely remained loyal to its original objectives. For instance, it has constantly fought again the criminalization of a practice called “conversion therapy”, which aims to “cure” gays of their homosexual orientation.
Pence is the first VP to address a gathering hosted by Focus on the Family.
The VP’s visit to the event has attracted criticism from the left. Many left-wing groups, such as the GLAAD, came out strongly against Pence’s support for the religious organization. Protesters, dressed in clothes similar to ones seen in the dystopian TV show, The Handmaid’s Tale, gathered outside the location to show their disapproval.
The Handmaid’s Tale is a TV show that depicts a dystopian future where women are treated as property.