New Movie Trailer for ‘Exodus: Gods and Kings’ Released
- By Alison Lesley --
- 01 Oct 2014 --
The first official trailer for Ridley Scott’s Exodus: Gods and Kings has been released today.
Tuesday night, Christian Bale, who plays Moses, appeared at 20th Century Fox and presented 37 minutes of scenes from the upcoming biblical epic.
Bale describes the surprises he encountered while playing the character:
“He was a very troubled, tumultuous man and mercurial. But the biggest surprise was the nature of God. He was equally very mercurial.”
The story revolves around Moses and Ramses, an Egyptian pharaoh, played by Joel Edgerton. After a string of plagues hit Egypt, Moses leads over half a million Jewish slaves out of the country.
World Religion News first reported about Exodus in January, when the studios were still keeping details under wraps.
The movie will be released in the U.S. on Dec. 12. In addition to Bale and Edgerton, Exodus: Gods and Kings stars Sigourney Weaver, Aaron Paul, Ben Kinglsey, and John Turturro.