Christian Astrophysicist Hugh Ross Discusses the Creation of God at Regent University
- By Nathan Glover --
- 23 Nov 2018 --

Hugh Ross Says multiple dimensions exist, and God has access to all
In his Regent University lecture bearing the name “Does Science Prove God’s Glory?” Astrophysicist and a member of Reasons to Believe, a Christian apologetics group, Hugh Ross tried to answer the query of what or who created God[/tweetit]. To buttress his arguments, he discussed the evidence for the existence of the Christian God as proved through scientific findings.
Christian Astrophysicist Hugh Ross Discusses the Creation of God at Regent University[/tweetthis]
Ross was evidently practiced when it came to his speech. When he talked, he spoke about the most common query thrown at him, “Who created God?” He admitted the question is not only asked by scientists but also by children.
Ross took his material from concepts made by Middle Age-era theologians. According to the Christian astrophysicist, God gave humans two books, the book of nature and the book of scripture. The 21st century, he continued, has witnessed scientific discoveries providing increasing evidence for Christian faith. The book of nature has provided new evidence which shows that is perfectly okay to trust the other tome, the book of scripture.
The speech made by Ross was spoken under the gaze of Regent’s Center for Christian Thought & Action (CCTA). The latter promises to offer a number of challenges to present day culture. He said that although the CCTA would offer commentary through a biblical worldview, the site will be much more than an educational or opinion site. According to the CCTA website, it wants to be a part of the solution for multiple divisions via reasoned argument and winsome dialog. There will also be close analysis and presentation of ideas which is believed to make decisive differences.
According to Ross, the modern space-time theorems say that multiple dimensions of time exist. Time is one dimension where there can be cause and effect. There are theorems which state that the universe existed prior to the beginning of time. The astrophysicist then said that such a conjecture points to the fact that God would have unfettered access to at least two dimensions. He extrapolated on this hypothesis, saying the existence of multiple dimensions means God has no beginning and no end as the entity was uncreated. “And of all the world’s holy books, only the Bible says that about God. That He has no beginning, no ending, and is uncreated,” Ross stated.
For the old earth and universe I would point you to Hugh Ross and his book Improbable Planet as well as just searching his site https://t.co/ME10ZAdFHA for answers to questions to this and other questions you might have if your actually interested in truth from a biblical persp.
— Brandon DeRousse (@BrandonDeRousse) November 19, 2018
The Bible, according to Ross, was also the sole book to claim that God can arbitrarily compress and expand time. Ross added, a “day of the Lord is like a thousand years. A thousand years is like a day. A thousand years is like three hours in the night.”