Muslim Leader Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Condemns Paris Attacks and Prays for Victims
- By Shehla Ahmad --
- 07 Dec 2015 --
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community condemns the acts of extremists.
On November 13, 2015 the world witnessed sad and barbaric series of attacks in Paris. 130 innocents lost their lives, many more were injured and it left not only their families and friends bereaved, but the whole world, that is, humanity shared their pain and sorrow.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Condemns Paris Attacks and Prays for Victims[/tweetthis]
Unfortunately for over 1 billion peaceful Muslims around the globe, ISIS claimed responsibility for the attacks thus attributing their actions to their so called perverted version of Islam.
As a member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, like other millions of Muslims, I was shocked by their cruelty and also that someone claims that his inhumane acts have any justification let alone rationalizing them in the name of Islam.
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has raised their voices all around the world loud and clear in the categorical condemnation of the acts of extremists.
The Head of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“On behalf of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community worldwide, I express my heartfelt sympathies and condolences to the French nation, its people and government following the heinous terrorist attacks that have taken place in Paris. This brutal and inhumane attack can only be condemned in the strongest possible terms.
I would also like to reiterate that all forms of terrorism and extremism are completely against the true teachings of Islam. The Holy Quran has said that to kill even one innocent person is akin to killing all of mankind. Thus under no circumstances can murder ever be justified and those who seek to justify their hateful acts in the name of Islam are serving only to defame it in the worst possible way.
Our sympathies and prayers are with the victims of these attacks and all those who have been left bereaved or affected in any way. May God Almighty grant patience to them all and I hope and pray that perpetrators of this evil act are swiftly brought to justice.”
Local Ahmadi Muslim leaders from various countries around the world have also strongly denounced these attacks.
“ISIS claims these attacks protect Prophet Muhammad’s honor, when in fact this does him the greatest dishonor” said Dr. Nasim Rehmatullah, National Vice President of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community U.S.A., “They practice a false ideology which will be trumped only by a better ideology, which is True Islam” he added.
“We are very saddened to learn about the barbaric attacks in Paris” said Mr. Lal Khan Malik, National President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at Canada. He added “The victims of these horrific attacks, their families and the French people are in our sincere thoughts and prayers.”
Mr. Rafiq Hayat, President Ahmadiyya Muslim Community U.K. said:
“We condemn the actions of extremists wherever they may be, whatever their cause”.
“We are with the people of France in sharing their pain. This was an outrageous attack on the peaceful innocent members of the public and they are in our thoughts and prayers”.“We consider this to be not just an attack on France but on the entire humanity and we express our condolences to the families of the bereaved and pray for the fast recovery of all those injured”.
“We ask the world to unite against this menace and to work to eliminate all forms of extremism”.
“We believe in love for all and hatred for none, and peaceful dialogue is the only way to cultivate understanding and harmony between people”.
National President of the Community in Australia, Imam Inam-ul-Haq Kauser while condemning the Paris attacks and offering deepest condolences to the families and friends of the innocent victims said:
“Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Australia categorically rejects extremism and terrorism in any form and anywhere in the world,” he said.
“Islam teaches us the sacredness and dignity of human life. Islam requires us being loyal and law-abiding citizens of the country of residence.”
The list of messages filled with sorrow and censure from various Muslims around the world goes on and on.
But, no matter how much the one billion peaceful Muslims denounce and reject terrorism, extremism or ISIS, unfortunately it would not stop ISIS. To stop ISIS world must cut their supply lines first. There should not be any sympathizer of ISIS at any level free to help them in their evil cause. ISIS should NOT be getting what they are getting and what they need to terrorize us with. We can’t allow terrorists/ISIS to prove to us how inhumane they are, and above all to destroy peace for all.
Retweeted A Message of Peace (@amessageofpeace):
Official Press Release from @AhmadiyyatIslam re: Paris Attacks… https://t.co/cRxPu2W2yA
— Sohail Chaudhry (@Sohail_Calgary) November 15, 2015