11 Year Old Mexican Muslim Boy Makes Strong Opposition to Trump’s Hate Speeches [Video]


Mexican Muslim boy stands up to Donald Trump’s hateful rhetoric with Facebook videos.

Donald Trump gained momentum in his presidential campaign when he focused his plans on old, yet key issues, like immigration. But Trump did not give a well detailed plan as to how he will tackle such a problem and instead attacked immigrants themselves and linked Muslims to terrorism. Surprisingly, Trump’s hateful rhetoric eventually paved the way for his Republican nomination.

Mexican Muslim Boy Makes Strong Opposition to Trump’s Hate Speeches[/tweetthis]

Trump’s persistent attacks on Latin and Muslim immigrants have triggered many to react and stand up against the presidential hopeful. That includes 11-year-old Andrew Daee, a Mexican Muslim boy who took advantage of social media to express his dissenting views on Trump. Last November, when he was 10, he posted a video clip in reaction to Trump’s Islamophobic speeches. In the clip, he held signs saying “I am Mexican. I am Muslim. I am not a terrorist. Not in my name.” The same message still serves as Andrew’s profile and cover photos in his Facebook page entitled ¿Where is Andrew?.

In January, Andrew made another video post encouraging Americans not to vote Trump or he’d become a “very sad resident.” He starts by saying that Donald Trump hates him “Peace be upon all humanity. Donald Trump hates me. Do you wanna know why? He has two strikes against me. I didn’t do anything. And I’m only 10 years old. I’m Mexican and I’m a Muslim.”

He then sings an original song about his dislike of the presidential candidate “Donald Trump. Donald Trump. That guy should really live in a dump. That fool, he’s not cool. He probably didn’t even go to high school. His bad, that makes me mad. I get sad, when I see his face. Cause his always judging other people by their race. His cuckoo she wear a tutu. If he’s president, I’m gonna be a very sad resident. Sure he is rich but that doesn’t make him any better than a leech.”

Finally, he ended by urging his viewers not to vote for Trump “Because he is a hater, don’t vote for him. Please don’t vote for him. Think of me. You don’t wanna vote for him. I don’t wanna meet him. I don’t wanna see him, anymore. Not now, not later.”

According to Andrew’s mother Nahela, his Facebook page was originally created to connect with his friends in Mexico. But surprisingly, it became a stage for the boy to express his views on political issues and promote racial and religious tolerance. It’s also a venue for Andrew to showcase his multilingual skills.


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