10 Lies Men Believe About Porn
- By Hayli Harding --
- 11 Jun 2015 --
Belt of Truth Ministries is seeking to help those with porn addiction with its new book 10 Lies Men Believe About Porn.
The Belt of Truth Ministries is run by Stephen Kuhn, a man who has dedicated his recent years to aiding men who struggled with an addiction to porn. The XXX Church has made itself a home online as a safe place for those who have problems facing their sex and porn addictions. The website asks if you have thoughts along the lines of “I’m alone in this” and “God doesn’t love me anymore.” These, Kuhn says, “are all lies!” He desires to help men recognize and understand the lies and truth, and how they counteract. The website offers porn addicts weekly posts with reader Q/A’s, smart quotes, wallpapers, worship days and more.
10 Lies Men Believe About Porn
The book, 10 Lies Men Believe About Porn, offers an in-depth analysis of these major lies that those who are addicted to pornography most frequently tell themselves. It holds these thoughts and ideas up against the Bible and Scriptures to prove them wrong, and give you aid in realization. Kuhn says that the great thing about Christ and God is that the message isn’t “to fight better,” but to not have to fight period. For some, pornography is simply a symptom of “something deeper going on inside of you,” and the things you might do for protection could be “contributing to your obsession.”
Kuhn shared the list of 10 lies on Christian Post, however to get the full information, you’ll have to check the book out. The first lie many men tell themselves is that they are defined by their addiction and sins. However, this is false and Kuhn explains that “only God can define who you are.” Many men feel that they are the only person to go through this (lie #2), and that they can have all their desires treated through porn (the third lie). They may tell themselves a 5th lie: they can make up for it by being better elsewhere. The most common 6th lie is that they can’t handle porn addiction alone. The feeling of isolation from Jesus and his love, as well as that he has saved others but refuses to save you, is the 7th lie you may hear from yourself. You might feel a lack of forgiveness, not only from yourself but others, which lie number 8. Lie 9 is the idea that shutting off desire will free you, and the final lie is that those who are addicted to porn can’t serve God anymore.