The Origins of “Lucifer”
- By Kelly Frazier --
- 18 Apr 2016 --
The Greater Church of Lucifer examines the Lucifer Myth.
The name or word “Lucifer” has been conventionally associated with Satan, the Serpent in the book of Genesis and generally to a demonic or evil figure by majority of Christians and non-Christians alike. But in a recent blog post made by the Greater Church of Lucifer (GCOL), the article explained how the mainstream Christians’ claim on the biblical reference to Lucifer and more importantly on the name’s association with Satan or evil was nothing more than just a myth. For the church members, the term “Lucifer” which literally means a positive thing was historically misinterpreted and became a victim of dogma, false pop culture and false teaching across generations.
The Origins of “Lucifer”[/tweetthis]
The article writer Jacob No first debunked the notion that Lucifer ever existed on the Bible. Except for the King James Version, all other versions of the bible being used today don’t mention the word Lucifer at all. In Isaiah 14:12 of the King James Version, it reads:
“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!”
With the New International, New Living, New American Standard Bible including the Jubilee Bible versions, the phrase “O Lucifer, son of the morning!” was worded as “morning star, son of the dawn!”, “O shining star, son of the morning!” and “O star of the morning, son of the dawn!”
But even the King James Version being the sole bible that mentioned Lucifer has its own fault according to No’s research. This is because the King James Version was not directly translated from the original biblical Hebrew texts and instead, is was a retranslation mostly of the early bible version in Latin of St. Jerome who lived during the 4th century. Instead of Lucifer or a fallen angel, the original Hebrew texts of Isaiah 14:12 was actually referring to a fallen Babylonian King who was responsible for the persecution of ancient Israelites.
The original Hebrew verse described the Babylonian King as “Helal, son of Shahar” or “heleyl, ben shachar.” The correct translation could have been “Day Star” or “Son of the Dawn.” But the King James Bible eventually adapted the “morning star” translation which in Latin is “Lucifer.” The morning star is planet Venus which lights brightly before the sun rises at dawn. According to the Greater Church of Lucifer, the Latin word “Lucifer” (from “lucern ferre”) actually means bringer or bearer of light which should be construed in a positive manner. It was only that association with the cruel Babylonian King that historically made the word “Lucifer” tantamount to the wicked and evil.
Second, the writer made a simple logic that if “Lucifer” connotes Satan or something evil, then Jesus himself can be considered as Lucifer if the verse Rev. 22-16 is to be translated:
From “I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star,” it can be re-written as “I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and Lucifer” if the strict St. Jerome Latin translation will be followed.
In the end, the Greater Church of Lucifer stressed that based on their belief; Lucifer is an Icon to one’s self or a standard of becoming. As a bringer of light, it symbolizes education, knowledge and thorough understanding even amidst the “shackles of Dogma and or false pop culture.”
#gcol Greater Church of Lucifer #thelucifermyth
— CrisBlakk TheWorld (@CrisBlakk) April 13, 2016