Mormon Church Condemns White Supremacy
- By Gary Nguyen --
- 18 Aug 2017 --

LDS says racist thinking is morally wrong.
On August 13, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints responded to violence perpetrated by white supremacists in Charlottesville with a gentle reminder. The LDS church reminded its members about the dangers caused by intolerance. The statement included a quotation by its former President Gordon B. Hinckley. The latter said that no person who makes any kind of disparaging remarks about people of a different race can consider themselves Christ's true disciple. The persons must not then consider themselves to be in harmony concerning teachings attributed to the Church of Christ. The paragraph ended reminding readers about Jesus's admonition to love thy neighbor.
Mormon Church Condemns White Supremacy[/tweetthis]
I hear a lot of white people talk about racism in the LDS church.
I've been a member my whole life and I've never seen it.
— Logan Wongsuwan (@_lowgun) August 18, 2017
It's no wonder that the alt-right members of the LDS seized upon this excellent statement. They said that this statement confirms that their racist outlook of white people must not only be cherished but also be protected.
One alt-right member with her own blog celebrated the statement made by the church on social media. She said that it is not possible for any person to be against white people and be a Christ's follower at the same time. The blogger, who carries the Wife With A Purpose identity on Twitter, said that it is important to return the White United States to its dominance over many other races.
"We shall wander no more." ?? Zandra Vranes of @SISTASinZION on navigating racism in & out of the LDS Church https://t.co/Tkw7Yzgifx
— Janan Amirah (@jananamirah) August 18, 2017
#LDSChurch tells us God says to racism: pic.twitter.com/RTQ4d5uwxr
— Moose J. Moose (@MooseJMoose) August 15, 2017
The LDS church clarified its views on August 15. The church sent out an update that strongly condemned the assertion of white supremacy as sinful and morally wrong. The statement starts with the church calling out to its pro-white communities within the church who believe that the LDS supports them or is neutral in their views. It said that it is not the truth. The statement quoted the New Testament where Jesus told his disciples that they must love God with all their heart and also with their soul. They must love with their mind too. The LDS said this wholesome love is the first and the greatest commandment. The second commandment is that one must love one's neighbor like one loves oneself. As per the Book of Mormon, all are the same in the eyes of God.
The LDS church then went on to imply that white supremacist thinking is morally wrong. This kind of thinking is also sinful and the church condemns it. It also said that any agenda concerned with white supremacy is not harmonious with the church teachings.