What is Ben Carson Hiding About His Religious Involvement in Politics?
- By C Barnett --
- 20 Jan 2018 --
Ben Carson is Being Sued by The Freedom From Religion Foundation To Reveal Information
The prominent atheist organization The Freedom From Religion Foundation has joined with the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) in suing Dr. Ben Carson for denying their requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act.
What is Ben Carson Hiding About His Religious Involvement in Politics?[/tweetthis]
The two organizations are attempting to learn about Dr. Carson’s religious involvement while he has been head of the Housing and Urban Development Department. Dr. Carson was revealed to be one of the members of the weekly Bible study groups that are conducted by various departmental heads in the Trump administration. The two organizations are interested to see more information about the group to see if any taxpayer money is being spent on travel or logistics for what is a private meeting with no official function. The two groups have also requested information about the Carson’s family involvement in the organization and whether any money has been used to fund their expenses.
While the organization has made other requests to other departments, they have expressed frustration at the particular blocking of information from HUD. The searches have not been designed to prevent Dr. Carson or any government official from participating in religious observance, but that no government funding is being used for it.
Dr. Ben Carson is a Seventh Day Adventist, which is a particularly conservative denomination of Protestant. They believe the Bible is the infallible word of GOD and that Jesus’s second coming is happening soon. The FFRP has stated that it seems odd to hide the information is everything is being conducted in a legal fashion.