“We Need to Turn Our Nation Back to God” – PA State Rep. Rick Saccone


Rick Saccone says prayer is the best way to save the United States from becoming chaotic and destructive.

Tuesday, November 17 saw Pennsylvania Representative Rick Saccone address a crowd of believers at the Grace United Methodist Church in Harrisburg, who had gathered that evening to fight the nation's retreat from religion as part of the PrayUSA event. Republican Saccone, who has represented District 39 since 2011, expressed concern over the current state of affairs in the U.S., and said that the nation has increasingly molded itself into a culture of “chaos and destructive behavior” and called for the people of U.S.A. to pray for remedial action.

“We Need to Turn Our Nation Back to God” – PA State Rep. Rick Saccone[/tweetthis]

Prayer, according to representative Saccone is the “best way” to stop the nation from getting deeper into the culture of destructive behavior and anarchy. His audience seemed to agree. The PrayUSA event, which was sponsored by the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation and the Pennsylvania Prayer Caucus Network, saw dozens of like-minded people in attendance; to pray for the country.

Speaking to the attendees, Saccone said that practicing faith was becoming increasingly difficult for believers around the country because America has turned its back to God, and cited some recent events as examples of the same. He spoke about the dismissal of assistant football coach Joe Kennedy from the Bremerton High School in Washington for his habit of praying after every football game his team plays. The coach, who said he prays alone and only after students have left the field, was asked to never pray in public. Representative Saccone noted that the religious liberties of people are being impeded and that he believes America needs to return to God.

The 39th District representative said that God has been an important part of the American culture and the American government since the beginning and that the people of United States have the right to freedom of religion. He spoke about the religious fabric of Pennsylvania, noting that there were more than 50 quotes from Bible located at prime locations throughout the Capitol. People have forgotten their religion, Saccone said, but they can go back to God through prayer.

The event also saw Montgomery County Representative, Senator Stewart Greenleaf and Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation President, Lea Carawan in attendance, among other dignitaries. Carawan said that if the people repent for turning their back on God (by praying), He will indeed forgive them and help U.S.A. Senator Greenleaf on the other hand, prayed at the event; requesting God to provide guidance, forgiveness, and wisdom to President Barack Obama, Governor Tom Wolf, and other government leaders. 


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