Oklahoma Satanist Hopes to Hand out Book at School
- By Hayli Harding --
- 16 Apr 2015 --
In response to an Oklahoma teacher passing out Gideon Bibles to students, Satanist Adam Daniels requested to hand out the introductory book to his church.
It wasn’t too long ago that the Ten Commandments statue was erected on the Oklahoma State Capitol, which was followed by the Satanist group, Satanic Temple, starting an Indiegogo fundraiser to erect a statue of Baphomet in the same area. They quickly backed down when someone rammed a vehicle into the Ten Commandments. As various religious groups are testing what religious liberty really means, tensions are flying high in the Oklahoma.
Just a couple of weeks ago, Erica Mackey, an elementary school teacher in the Duncan school district in Oklahoma, handed out Gideon Bible books to her students during class. After hearing about the exposure of Christianity to the students at the Woodrow Wilson Elementary School, the leader of the Satanic church Church of Ahriman, Adam Daniels, asked permission to distribute the book Ahrmani Enlightenment to the students. The book is a workbook that is typically distributed to new church members. He added, in the letter to the Duncan School District, that the Satanic workbook is “nowhere near as graphic as the Christian Bible.” Attorney General Scott Pruitt wasted little time in writing a letter to Oklahoma’s public school superintendents, claiming that “freedom of religion is under attack.” The Freedom From Religion Foundation has been pushing for a lawsuit as well, however Pruitt feels its reason is “to aggressively advance its agenda”.
After a potential lawsuit, Duncan School District of Oklahoma swiftly took action to put a stop to the distribution. The American Humanist Association pushed for a lawsuit. The school promptly issued a response to David Noise and the American Humanist Legal Center that read, “All teachers and administrators are being advised that they are not permitted to distribute Bibles or other religious materials to students in class or during class time.” David Noise said that the center was satisfied with the district.