Geneva’s Burkini Ban Infringes on Basic Human Rights

It has been disappointing to read that in a recent move, the Geneva City Council has banned burkini from swimming pools and made it

I swear to tell the truth the whole truth so help me God

Claims like Mr. Crockett’s perpetuate the myth that implies that Islam is not a true religion by not recognizing the Bible. Recently during a

A Path Towards Peace or Provocation?

Jerusalem. A legendary city anchored in all three of the Abrahamic faiths. A city that unites us spiritually yet sadly divides us politically. On

Launching Year-Long Campaign Leading Up to the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Commemorating the December 10, 1948, adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) by the United Nations, Scientology Churches and Missions launch a

Will You Be the Journalist Who Covers Scientology Right?

Talking to a Scientologist to get your questions answered, or setting foot inside a Scientology Church doesn’t take courage—it just takes doing. Whether you


Muslims Deeply Respect Mary (Peace Be On Her)

Maryam (Mary) is a very popular name for Muslim girls. Maryam is the Arabic translation for the name Mary. Maryam (Mary) is a very

“FaithLeaks” and the New Deprogrammers

Bigotry has moved from kidnapping and physical assault to flooding the internet and media with vicious lies calculated to destroy the reputation of religions,

An attempt to get rid of Archbishop Demetrios

Things don't change in Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Rumours are circulating in the omogenia about the possible resignation of Archbishop Demetrios of America.

Paradox of the aggressive secularism: exclusion of religion from public life politicizes the Church

In spite of the reviving interest in religion among Europeans, the materialistic ideology still dominates our media. Church dwells on the margins of society.

American Actor Joins Hungarian Scientologists in Protest Against Persecution of Religions

American Actor Joins Hungarian Scientologists in Protest Against Persecution of Religions BUDAPEST—Actor Jeff Pomerantz joined nearly 800 Scientologists on the streets of this city