The Vatican Thinks Demons Might be Making You Watch Porn
- By Derek Welch --
- 22 Apr 2018 --
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New Training For Priests Will Teach Topics On Exorcism
The Catholic Church has vastly expanded their involvement in demons. Pope Francis has spoken about the real threat of the Devil and has sanctioned increased money and training for priests to learn about exorcism. An upcoming training on exorcism at the Vatican will focus on one of the supposed tools of demons.
The Vatican Thinks Demons Might be Making You Watch Porn[/tweetthis]
Catholic priests contend that pornography is deeply tied to demons. According to them, if you watch porn, you are more likely to be possessed because you are tainting your soul, which lowers the spiritual security for your body. They have also included drug use and interest in the occult as additional triggers that could influence the susceptibility for an individual to become possessed.
250 priests taking part in Vatican #exorcism training https://t.co/mlt57uoH81 pic.twitter.com/SM2RsyahAp
— AmericasMostHaunted (@amhaunted) April 19, 2018
Porn also can be seen as a symptom of an infected soul. Priests warn that if you notice someone increasing their porn intake they may have become possessed. The Vatican routinely uses the increased number of individual requesting exorcisms as proof that the Devil has been busy in the last couple of years. But it is unclear whether this is because of an increase in mental illness or demons. In fact, the Catholic Church acknowledges that some that seek exorcism may be suffering from a mental health issue. They list symptoms of possession as an aversion to religious imagery, a deep voice, and body contortions.
While the Catholic Church is only using the training to discuss the issue, given their historical opposition to both porn and demons, it seems likely that they will become more direct in drawing the causational link between the two.