Hinduism and Yoga

Is Hinduism Too Intrinsic to Yoga?

Yoga is a common way to stay healthy, but some feel it is too close to Hinduism. This has become controversial in light of

Vedic Meditation Turned Anxiety-Ridden Ben Turshen Life Around

The life of Ben Turshen, a lawyer, was riddled with anxiety through his studying years until he finally tried meditation. When Ben Turshen was

Ruth Ozeki Time Being

Author Ruth Ozeki Weaves Zen Buddhism and Novels

Famed novelist and Zen Buddhist priest, Ruth Ozeki shares one of the main inspirations for her work and life: her 800-year-old spiritual companion, Dogen.

200-year-old Buddhist monk discovered still meditating in Mongolia

In Mongolia, researchers discovered the mummified remains of a 200-year-old Buddhist monk sitting in the lotus position as if he were still meditating. The

Jains meditating during Paryushan Parva

Paryushan Parva celebrations continue for Jains in India

The Jain celebration Paryushan Parva continues this week until Friday. Differing sects of Jainism observe the start date on slightly different days and observe

Buddhism and Meditation: Finding Value in the Journey and the Goal

Jey Ehrenhalt contemplates Buddhism, meditation and path to enlightenment. The best lie Buddhism ever told me. Maybe. by The Mindful Word. “The more we try

Tibetan Prayer Flags

Religion and Spirituality Are Both Good For Your Health

The company of and camaraderie with other churchgoers leave the church member filled with elation and spiritual strength. Yet recent studies suggest that such