L. Ron Hubbard boy scout

Boy Scout Ron Hubbard Meets President Calvin Coolidge

This article was written by Jerry L. Wallace and is published with his permission. At around noontime, on Thursday, March 20, 1924, Ron Hubbard

Child Abuse Victims Act Goes into Effect in NY - Lawsuits Expected to be Filed Against Archdiocese of NY

Child Abuse Victims Act Goes into Effect with Lawsuits Expected to be Filed Against Archdiocese of NY

Over 400 lawsuits have been filed According to the New York Child Victims Act, a new law which was signed earlier this year on

Atheists Demand Membership In Boy Scouts of America

Atheists Demand Membership In Boy Scouts Of America

Non-Believers Argue Now Is The Time To Fight Exclusion The Boy Scouts of America have gradually accepted members of the LGBTQ community into its

Should You Care That Mormons Left The Boy Scouts?

Should You Care About Mormons Leaving The Boy Scouts?

Why Mormons are ending their association with Boy Scouts and how it could affect your life. Many of you will not think that Mormons

BSA still won't accept atheists

Boy Scouts’ Exclusion of Atheists

The Boy Scouts of America continues to follow right-wing policies The Boy Scouts despite dismantling barriers to its membership still prohibits non-religious and atheists

Mat Staver treated like Jew in Nazi Germany

Anti-Gay Group Compares Critics to Nazis

Mat Staver alleged a lack of morals and integrity in present day US Head of the anti-LGBTQ group Liberty Counsel, Mat Staver compared anti-gay

Transgender Kids Can Now Be Boy Scouts, but Atheists Can’t

Transgender kids can now join the Boy Scouts of America The Boy Scouts of America officially announced they will accept transgender kids.[/tweetit] This is

BSA atheists must join unitarian church

Boy Scouts Lifts Ban on Gays, but Atheists Must Join Unitarian Church

Secular Coalition for America founder says Boy Scouts of America are condoning prejudice. 2015 saw the Boy Scouts of America ending their blanket ban

Christian Groups Offer Alternative to Boy Scouts

Christian Groups Offer Alternative to Boy Scouts

Christian scouting groups are becoming more popular. Boy Scouts of America (BSA), the largest youth organization in America, has more than 2.4 million members.

Mormon Church Will Continue to Sponsor Boy Scouts of America; Will Screen Scout Leaders

Mormon Boy Scouts will only have Scout leaders who have been screened and prequalified by the church. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ