Religious public schools

Oklahoma: Both Sides Cite Religious Freedom in Ongoing Legal Dispute Over America’s First Religious Public School

It began in May of this year when Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt signed a bill into law that gave a tax incentive to parents

While “There Is No Intention To Legitimize Anything,” Vatican Allows Blessings For Same-Sex Couples

In a move laden with caveats and provisos, but nonetheless regarded as “a real development,” according to its author, Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández, the

Priest in Union

May Trans People Be Baptized? Yes, Says Catholic Church. But…

Vatican doctrine permits the baptism of transgender people and allows them as well to serve as witnesses at Catholic weddings, according to a recently

Pope Francis

Pope Francis Calls For Catholic Church Theologians to Embrace a Deeper Connection With the Challenges of Daily Life

Pope Francis is encouraging Catholic theologians to better understand the concerns of everyday individuals and he advocates for open dialogues with both non-believers and

yoga and spirituality

A Glimpse Into America’s Post-Christian Spiritual Landscape

As Americans become less affiliated with formal religion, the landscape of spirituality in the country is undergoing some peculiar transformations, according to speakers at

Vatican City

Vatican Summit Addresses the Question of Women’s Ordination in the Future of Catholicism

Conversations about the inclusion of women in the priesthood have gained momentum as the Synod on Synodality, Pope Francis’s month-long conference aimed at addressing

Whoopi Goldberg

Actress Whoopi Goldberg Brings ‘Sister Act’ Swag for Her Meeting With Pope Francis

After trying in vain to meet with Pope Francis for 11 years, famed Hollywood actor Whoopi Goldberg finally got a private audience with the

State and Church separation

A “Sea Change For American Democracy?” – Battle Lines Drawn Over America’s First Religious Public School

It violates Oklahoma state law and Oklahoma’s constitution which forbids the use of taxpayer funds or property from being used, directly or indirectly for

Monseñor Rolando Alvarez

Nicaragua Frees 12 Catholic Priests Under Vatican Agreement

The government of Nicaragua has released 12 Roman Catholic priests and sent them to Rome in accordance with a deal forged with the Vatican. 

Pope Francis

Pope Opens Vatican Summit on Future of Catholicism

The Vatican has initiated a highly awaited summit focused on renewing the Catholic Church—a monthlong event in which both bishops and laypeople are likely