China’s President Warns Against Religious Infiltration

The Chinese government is worried about overseas infiltration via religious means. The Constitution of China promises “freedom of religious belief” to its citizens. However,

Patheos Writer Questions NatGeo’s Ability to take a “Truthful, Fact-based Look at Atheism”

"Atheism is no more a religion than off is a TV channel" says Friendly Atheist writer to NatGeo's recent look at non-believers. It didn’t

Pat Robertson Transgender

Pat Robertson Says Most Transgenders are a “Fraud”

Right wing media mogul Pat Robertson stirs controversy with comment on transgenders. Pat Robertson, host and presenter for the 700 Club, ended up courting

How Religious Groups are Helping Ecuador Quake Victims

How Religious Groups are Helping Ecuador Quake Victims

Prayers and monetary help are pouring in from all around the world to aid the Ecuador earthquake victims. Sister Clare Theresa Crockett, before becoming

National Day of Reason a Secular Alternative to Day of Prayer

National Day of Reason a Secular Alternative to Day of Prayer

Rep. Mike Honda (D-Calif.) has introduced a resolution to honor a National Day of Reason as an alternative to a National Day of Prayer.

Evangelists at Redeemer Presbyterian Preaching to Skeptics in N.Y.C.

Evangelists at Redeemer Presbyterian Preaching to Skeptics in N.Y.C.

Evangelists are preaching the gospel to skeptics in N.Y.C. For an evangelist, seeking converts among vocal atheists can be quite a challenge. Such efforts

Pew Study: Highly Religious Are Happier and Spend More Time with Families

Pew Study: Highly Religious Are Happier and Spend More Time with Families

Quality of purchasing decisions and health habits for less religious are about the same as highly religious Have you ever wondered how religion actually

Colorado School Distributes Satanist and Atheist Materials

Colorado School Distributes Satanist and Atheist Materials

Colorado school district has approved the distribution of Atheist and Satanic material to students. Students in the rural school district of Delta, Colorado, will

The Struggle to Find Secular Homeschooling Materials

The Struggle to Find Secular Homeschooling Materials

Secular homeschooling materials are in demand as the practice shifts away from a Christian majority. Children of the 60s created the homeschooling movement, citing

Richard Dawkins Mocks News Outlets on Twitter

Richard Dawkins Twitter Slam: Media is wrong to say terrorist attacks have "nothing to do with religion." He may be the world’s foremost disbeliever