Sioux Falls Atheist Billboards

Atheist Billboards in South Dakota Testing Belief in God

Dale Hemming of Sioux Falls has financed billboards throughout the area to let non-believers know they are not alone, however, Christian residents are disturbed.

Atheist Groups Warns Florida Schools to Comply with New Pledge of Allegiance Law – Or Else

Florida's recently passed law will give students the right to not participate in the Pledge of Allegiance. Florida recently passed an education bill that

Bill Maher and Michael Moore Want To Make ‘Kings of Atheism’ Documentary

via video screenshot Maher and Moore reveal plans to make a new documentary called Kings of Atheism. The much-talked about discussion for a new

These 11 Bible Verses Are Said to Turn Believers Into Atheists

11 Bible Verses that may turn Christians into Atheists Reading the Bible has proven to have varying effects on different people. There are known

Atheist Billboard Protesting Noah’s Ark Theme Park Rejected

Billboard companies reject "inappropriate" anti-Noah's Ark Atheist campaign. Ark Encounter, a water-theme park centered on a life-sized replica of Noah's ark, is set to

Atheist Connected to Satanic Temple Wants to Make A Real Change in Senate

Steve Hill is running for senate and will not let religious beliefs supersede the Constitution, which he says is contrary to what other senators


New Atheists Are Just as Dangerous as Religious Extremists, Says Columnist

Columnist compares New Atheists to religious extremists and asserts they are equally dangerous. Heather Denkmire, a writer for Bangor Daily News, has made the

Congress Sued After Atheist Denied Chance to Give Invocation

Atheists file lawsuit against Congress for rejecting their invocation for the National Day of Prayer. The United States observed the National Day of Prayer

Friendly Atheist, Video on Why Mother Teresa Shouldn’t Be a Saint

The Friendly Atheist has published a video explaining the controversy surrounding Mother Teresa being made a saint. If you asked 100 people to name

Did Famous Atheist Christopher Hitchens Convert Before Death?

Hitchens' friendship with a Christian has brought his reputation as an Atheist into question. Based on the new book The Faith of Christopher Hitchens: