Al Jazeera: Is Religion Really to Blame for Violence? [Video]

Al Jazeera interviews Karen Armstrong on religion and violence. Karen Armstrong is a British author, scholar, and former nun. She is the acclaimed author

Richard Dawkins Still Says Religion is a “Force of Evil,” Even After Stroke

Richard Dawkins says religion is a 'force of evil' on BBC's Sunday Morning Live. It is believed that religion was established for the betterment

Atheist Billboard Taken Down in Mississippi

One of the most religious states in America was not pleased with a billboard's unfavorable message about God. Mississippi is known as one of

New Documentary Film ‘Godless: The Truth Beyond Belief’

Documentary film shows the struggles of being an atheist in today's world. They are among us, but they are afraid to reveal themselves. New

BSA atheists must join unitarian church

Boy Scouts Lifts Ban on Gays, but Atheists Must Join Unitarian Church

Secular Coalition for America founder says Boy Scouts of America are condoning prejudice. 2015 saw the Boy Scouts of America ending their blanket ban

Christian Book Says You Can Believe in Both Evolution and Creation

New book How I Changed My Mind About Evolution explains how evolution and creation are compatible theories. The BioLogos Foundation recently published a book

Thousands of Atheists Attend Reason Rally in Washington D.C.

Atheists and freethinkers gathered in Washington D.C. at the Reason Rally 2016 The Lincoln Memorial located on the western end of the National Mall

Ohio HS Students Defy Demand to Drop Prayer from Graduation

High school graduates were told not to recite the Lord's Prayer, a school tradition, but they did it anyway. East Liverpool High School is

Christian Rock Singer Stops Believing after Reading Richard Dawkins’ Book

The Order of Elijah vocalist Shannon Low drops his Christian faith after a long struggle. After reading biologist Richard Dawkins’ book, The God Delusion,

University of Miami Starting Department to Study Atheism

University of Miami affirms America's first academic chair for Study of Atheism The Appignani Foundation recently donated an amount of $2.2 million to the