XXX Church Gives 4 Tips on How to Overcome Porn Addiction
- By Nathan Glover --
- 28 Dec 2015 --
Treat or prevent porn addiction with these tips recommended by XXX Church.
Because access to internet is now easier than before, it also means effortless access to online pornography. Though many consider pornography as illegal and immoral, it remains one of the largest and most profitable ventures on the internet. The online ministry (XXX Church) that helps individuals address their addiction to porn and sex sites that the key to treat and prevent addiction is to break habits and refocus one’s attention.
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In one of the website’s posts, J.S. Park cited that it could be impossible to address porn addiction unless the concerned individual makes his first step. According to Park “There’s not enough porn-proofing in the world to stop you unless you really want to quit porn. But the very act of taking a first step to prevent porn can lead to momentum. Those first steps matter.”
Here are the porn prevention tips which centers on what the writer calls as “uncomfortable re-structuring” of one’s habits and home:
Tip #1 Re-decorate or re-style your home’s interior
When you re-decorate or re-style your interior, you eventually disrupt the addiction routine that your subconscious mind has associated with the existing appearance of the room or living space. As an example, some individuals may feel the urge to visit porn sites whenever they see the sexy photos or posters hanging by the wall. Park noted that almost all items and familiar patterns inside the room can be associated with particular emotions like stress, depression and anger which eventually contribute to that old routine.
Tip #2 Make your gadgets or the internet less accessible
Park believes that easy access to internet promotes addiction. Thus, he suggests making your gadgets or the internet less accessible. You might want to hide your gadgets like laptop and tablet in hard-to-reach areas. If it will take you several minutes just to find, unlock or get hold of your electronics, the desire to access online porn will eventually dissipate.
Tip #3 Be busy with alternative activities
If a person eventually becomes addicted to pornography, it only means that he has lots of unproductive time. According to Park, the best way to break that porn habit is to keep yourself busy with other activities. You can do arts and crafts, gardening, go to the gym, bring home a new pet, spend time with your friends, etc. Think of activities that could come in handy and will “short-circuit” that old porn habit.
Tip #4 Get out of the house
Porn addiction usually happens at home because you feel comfortable and secure in your private living space. This makes it seamless for you to access online pornography. Whenever you feel that urge or desire, Park recommends that you should already get out and spend some time away from your home. As Parks note “You can try what I’ve done many, many times. You can get up and leave. You can, as the Bible says, flee from sexual immorality. That literally means grab up your robes and go the other way. As I’ve said: The urge will always pass. A long walk will knock out the urge. If you must, go into a run.”
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