U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) hosted Women in FoRB: Making a Difference

“Bridgebuilders and Peacemakers” – Women in Freedom of Religion or Belief Sound the “Never-Silent Bell”

Adam, according to Genesis, was made of the dust of the earth. Not so Eve. Adam’s better half was fashioned from one of his

Seal of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom

United States Commission of International Religious Freedom Publishes a Sobering Report

It’s hard to imagine that in present-day some will be denied the freedom to worship as they please or discuss differences with a particular

Religious News From Around the Web, Dec 30th 2019

Amish Eviction, Religious Freedom Violators, Daf Yomi? China Bans Christmas, Church vs. State, Video: Incarceration of Chinese Uighurs, Taoism and Star Wars Michigan County

WRN News From the Web: Mosque Shelters Students, Atheists Not Church, US Sanctions China over Uighurs, Rohingyas Denied Education, Dublin’s Covert Church, Iran Suppressing Bahá’ís, SMU Minus Methodist?, African Churches Use Scientology

Wisconsin Students Shelter in Mosque During School Attack About 100 high school students sheltered in a mosque across the street from their Oshkosh West

Russian Court Denies Appeal by Dennis Christensen

Russian Court Denies Appeal by Dennis Christensen

The six-year prison term of the Jehovah’s Witness is upheld On May 7, 2019, World Religion News reported on Jehovah's Witness Dennis Christensen's Appeal

2019 USCIRF Report Issued, China Tops List of Worst Offenders

2019 USCIRF Report Issued, China Tops List of Worst Offenders

The report specially mentioned Uighur Muslims and their detention The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has stated in its annual report that

Nancy Pelosi Appoints Indian-American Woman to the Commission of USCIRF

Nancy Pelosi Appoints Indian-American Woman to the Commission of USCIRF

Her experience with Anthem of Us played a big role in the appointment The U.S. Commission for International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) appointed Indian-American Anurima

Russia Continues Crackdown on Buddhist Stupa

Russia Continues Crackdown on Buddhist Stupa

The Enlightenment stupa faces an uncertain future in Russia The Russian Federation is under fire for their treatment of religions within their borders. One

USCIRF Adds Russia to list of Worst Religious Freedom Violators in 2017 Report

Banning of Jehovah's Witnesses catapulted Russia to the list of shame. The US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) declared in its yearly report

USCIRF Chair Katrina Lantos Swett, Commissioner Mary Ann Glendon, and Executive Director Jackie Wolcott with parliamentarians at the launch of the International Parliamentary Coalition to Advance Religious Freedom, November 8, 2014, Oslo.

30 Parliamentarians Meet With USCIRF In Oslo To Sign A Freedom Of Religion Charter

USCIRF Chair Katrina Lantos Swett, Commissioner Mary Ann Glendon, and Executive Director Jackie Wolcott with parliamentarians at the launch of the International Parliamentary Coalition